What are your suggestions regarding the FPM course in IIM Raipur?

1 Answer

Arshit Jain Posted On - Feb 6, 2023
Studied at IIM Raipur

It is recommended to apply to a variety of institutions including all the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and some reputable management schools within the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) such as IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi.

It is important to keep in mind that IIM Raipur is a relatively new institute and its infrastructure for research is still in the process of development. Additionally, the faculty at IIM Raipur may have a high turnover rate, which can be a concern for doctoral students. Having a larger faculty pool to work with can provide more opportunities for mentorship and guidance throughout the program. In addition, having a stable advisor is crucial for the doctoral program, if the advisor leaves it may cause inconvenience and delay in the research work.

Therefore, it is suggested to consider the established doctoral programs, which are known to have a strong infrastructure and a stable faculty pool. This will provide the best opportunities for a successful and productive doctoral experience.



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