Is it worth to do tourism and hospitality management course from IIM Sirmaur for the sake of IIM tag?

1 Answer

Divya Pandey Posted On - Jan 19, 2023
M.B.A. in Marketing & Data Analytics, Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur (Graduated 2021)

One very important aspect that people forget while choosing colleges is the leader under which the college performs. Without effective leadership, any new IIM will become a worthless B School. One such example is IIM Trichy. IIM Trichy prospered under the leadership of Director Sri Prafulla Agnihotri who made Trichy what it is today. He constructed it from scratch. Through his relentless efforts, he was able to attract top professors and build a sound faculty base. He managed to provide the best through the temporary campus itself.

The same person Director Sri Prafulla Agnihotri is now leading IIM Sirmaur so I can say with conviction that if not immediately, then gradually Sirmaur’s brand name will improve magnificently in the years to come. So surely it is worth joining IIM Sirmaur and do the Tourism and Hospitality course.



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