How is the English MA course in IGNOU University?

1 Answer

Padmini Alina Posted On - Oct 20, 2022
Masters in English in English (language), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

It is extremely convenient to pursue an M.A. in English through IGNOU. The only problem is that the course materials are delivered very late. However, you are not required to rely on or wait for the materials. Because the materials remain the same year after year, they can be obtained from anyone who has already completed the course or from used bookstores. To be honest, the material isn't much help. In fact, guidebooks are more beneficial because they also provide you with the previous year's question papers, which are extremely helpful in understanding the exam question pattern, and once understood, you are guaranteed to score above 55% on your first attempt.

You have five years to complete your course, which consists of eight credits, four in the first year and four in the second. It is mandatory to submit the assignment for the paper you wish to sit for during the exams, which are held twice a year. It is entirely up to you whether to take all exams at once or spread them out over all ten semesters. In short, if you are determined, you can complete your master's degree in two years by taking two papers each semester. Contact classes are scheduled; if possible, attend them as they will get you started on your preparation and keep you motivated. 

Doing some research for your assignment and attempting to keep your answer original rather than copying from the guide will increase your chances of getting good grades on the assignments. If you fail a paper in the semester exam, you have the option of retaking it in subsequent semesters until you achieve a passing mark.

So, get the reference books, analyze the question pattern, turn in your assignment, and begin studying for the exam.



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