How do I prepare for the PG entrance test Political Science in University of Hyderabad?

1 Answer

Abir Mandal, Posted On - Nov 10, 2021
M.A (Political science) from University of Hyderabad (2022)

One of my friends recently cleared the entrance exam, so I might be able to give you some information about it.

Go through the previous question papers which are available on the university’s official website. The test consists of MCQs and passages. You can refer to the following:

  • For Political theory - An Introduction to political theory by O.P Gauba, read it based on the previous question papers.
  • For Indian and Western political thought - IGNOU material and Shubhra Ranjan material on political thought, available online will be helpful.
  • For Indian Polity - Refer Laxmikanth.
  • For World History and World politics - Refer to the Contemporary World politics NCERT class 12.
  • For Current affairs and international relations - Read The Hindu newspaper and watch the Rajya Sabha channel.

The passage part is not tough if you practice from the previous year’s papers. Prepare well and then you will realize that scoring is really easy.



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