RGPV University uses SGPA and CGPA to evaluate students. The SGPA and CGPA are calculated by the following formulas.
SGPA = \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} C_i P_i / \sum_{i=1}^{n} C_i\)
\(C_i\) is the total credits offered in the ith subject of a particular semester for which SGPA is to be calculated. While \(P_i\) is the corresponding grade points earned in the ith subject. Where, i = 1, 2, 3, …, n are the number of subjects in that semester.
And, CGPA = \(\sum_{i=1}^{m} SG_j NC_j / \sum_{i=1}^{m} NC_j\)
Where, \(NC_j\) is the total number of credits offered in the jth semester. \(SG_j\) is the SGPA earned in the jth semester. Where, j = 1, 2, 3, …, n are the number of semesters in that program.
You will get the instructions to convert your CGPA to marks at the back of your semester mark sheets provided by RGPV. As per the university rules, you can get your marks by multiplying your CGPA by 100. You can similarly get your percentage by multiplying 10 to your CGPA.
The marks scored in the exam at RGPV are calculated in terms of CGPA but you can easily convert it to percentage to get a better understanding of how well you performed in your exams.
Calculating your percentage is very important because most institutions and companies ask for a percentage rather than CGPA or SGPA.
Hence, with these methods and by using the formulas given on the backside of the marksheet, the CGPA of a student can be converted into a percentage.