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Questions Asked On GCET, Jammu

What is the JKCET cut off for GCET Jammu?

Ilina Ghosh Posted On : January 12th, 2021
B.E from Government College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu (2020)

When it comes to the cut off for getting admission in GCET Jammu, then it all depends on branches and your choices. For example - if you want to get enrolled in Civil branch in GCET then you need to score at least a rank under 200-210. On the other hand, there are branches in which you can take admission even when under 1000 rank. 

Mentioned below is the list of cut off which will definitely help you get the preferred rank for one of your favorite branches. 

Branches Rank range
Civil Engineering Up to 200
Electrical Engineering Up to 350
Mechanical Engg. and E&C Engineering Up to 600
Computer Science Engineering Up to 800

These are the cut off for general category candidates and for special categories the cut off rank remains slightly lower. Hard work and full dedication, that’s what needed to get the best possible rank in engineering entrance exams and the same apply to JKCET as well. So the cut off may vary for different categories and different branches, but a rank under 200 is the appropriate score you need to get in your desired branch.

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