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Questions Asked On AMC Engineering College Bangalore, Bangalore

How was the AMC engineering CLG?

Sanjay Samanta Posted On : February 17th, 2021
B.E Computer Science, AMC Engineering College (2019)

The AMC Engineering College is considered to be an institute with improper facilities and infrastructure. Students graduating from AMC Engineering College usually have a lot of complaints about various aspects of the institute. The table below gives a brief overview of some recent statistics of the institute.

NIRF ’20 Rank


Median Salary Offered

4.3 Lakhs per annum

Total Fees (B. Tech)

7.6 Lakhs

Total Fees (M.Tech)

2.8 Lakhs

Key Highlights:

  • There is a lack of proper faculties, especially experienced teachers in the institute. Mostly, faculties read out previous year's notes as a part of their teaching. On the contrary, there are some good faculties who deliver productive lectures.
  • Students face different kinds of harassment inside the campus. There are instances of bad behavior from the management and other staff in the college.
  • Some students are of a selfish nature and jealous, which creates a bad impact. There is a 60:40 North and South Indian ratio inside the campus.
  • The campus does not have a proper canteen and a library.
  • The campus is too far from Bangalore city, with no proper transportation facility from the Bangalore Municipal Transport Corporation.
  • There are no well-equipped labs for proper teaching and practical subjects.
  • Students face an utter lack of recreation due to the unavailability of entertainment activities during the college days.
  • Too many hectic class schedules are placed by the departments.
  • There is a convention of collecting money from students for every event, which is not a good sign for the institute.
  • An unorganized college campus is a problem that is faced generally by freshers.

Overall, it is an institute with a below-average rating. Students usually don’t prefer AMC Engineering College. You can go to other private engineering colleges in Bangalore.

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Which college is better for ISE: RNSIT, CMRIT or A.M.C engineering college?

Prerona Roy Posted On : February 17th, 2021
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, RNS Institute of Technology (2021)

First, you should stop considering A.M.C Engineering College, if you are going to compare it with institutes like RNSIT or CMRIT. Among the above three institutes, RNSIT would be the best option for Information Science and Engineering.

The table below gives a brief overview of the institutes.




AMC Engineering College

Total Fees (ISE)

3.48 Lakhs

16 Lakhs

5.58 Lakhs

Cut-off (ISE)


6526 (KCET)


15412 (KCET)


61959 (KCET)

NAAC Accreditation

Grade ‘A’

Grade ‘A+’

Grade ‘B++’

Median Salary (ISE)

4 Lakhs

3.5 Lakhs

4.3 Lakhs

Placement (Winning Institute- RNSIT):

  • Though placements primarily depend on the candidate’s dedication and hard work, RNSIT has a greater edge over good opportunities in the industry.
  • RNSIT and CMRIT have an almost similar level of growth. But to some extent, RNSIT is preferred over CMRIT due to the overall placement scenario, availability of companies and packages offered.

Key highlights - RNSIT:

  • RNSIT is famous for its teaching faculty, the way they help students and encourage them in the curriculum and placement.
  • Going with the fame too, RNSIT is preferred. Among the three institutes, RNSIT has the lowest closing ranks in COMEDK and KCET.
  • Ranking-wise, RNSIT leads in the race due to the lowest overall fees and a good amount of facilities offered.

So, it is evident that RNSIT is the most preferred institute for ISE among the three.

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