How good are XIMB Hostel rooms and do you have attached bathrooms? Also, can you post some pictures of your rooms?

2 Answers

Pooja Gour Posted On - Feb 2, 2023
MBA in Mark, Fin, and Sys in Business Management, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (Graduated 2019)

When it comes to the quality of the rooms, it can be said that they are generally good. However, there is a notable difference between the single rooms and the multiple occupancy rooms in terms of the presence of attached washrooms. Single rooms do not have attached washrooms, which can be an inconvenience for those staying in them. On the other hand, the majority of multiple occupancy rooms have attached washrooms, providing more privacy and convenience for those staying in them.

It's worth noting that the lack of attached washrooms in single rooms may be a deterrent for some, but it's important to consider that this is a common feature in many types of accommodation. However, it is also worth noting that the presence of attached washrooms in multiple occupancy rooms can be a major selling point, making them a more attractive option for those looking for a more private and convenient living experience.

It is important to keep in mind that when choosing accommodation, it is always a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of different options and to consider one's personal preferences and needs. For example, if privacy and convenience are important factors, multiple occupancy rooms with attached washrooms may be a better option. However, if budget is a major concern, single rooms without attached washrooms may be a more affordable option.



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Souradeep Ghose Posted On - Apr 16, 2021
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (2019)

My friend belongs to the 2019 batch at XIMB. He stayed at the XIMB hostel from 2015 to 2019. He stayed in GR1 hostel which is the oldest hostel on the campus. It has single rooms but not attached washrooms. There are mostly common washrooms like most hotels in Indian colleges.

There is a new hostel GR2 which was built later and has new rooms but still, no attached washrooms are available.

Unfortunately, only the Studio apartments which are the newest rooms with double sharing have attached washrooms.

Overall, the rooms are decent with all basic amenities, but no attached bathrooms for the common blocks except for the International student hostel. All the single rooms come with a common washroom and most of the multiple occupancy rooms have attached washrooms.



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