Why do some students in IIT Bombay leave high-paying jobs and join grad schools for PhD?

3 Answers

Advait Joshi Posted On - Mar 23, 2023
Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

It’s highly illogical to question why some students in IIT leave high-paying jobs and join graduate schools for Ph.D. This is because some people tend to do whatever makes them happy rather than following the sheep mentality. They don’t consider money as the only source of happiness. And they know that a high-paying job will rob them of mental peace due to a lot of responsibilities they might not even enjoy. So they choose a happier and simpler part which is pursuing a Ph.D.

Another major reason why people may pursue a Ph.D. rather than working at a top company is their strong inclination to words academics, and they may not be satisfied with a bachelor's degree and crave higher studies in the form of PhD. Basically, the reason behind such a decision is subjective and depends solely On the particular individual, and cannot be objectified. 

The common reason why people make such a decision is that they have more interest in studies and doing a job would hinder that passion. Doing a Ph.D. gives you opportunities to travel and enjoy life generally. That being said, it's not necessary that a Ph.D. is easy for everyone. It strictly depends upon one’s preferences and capabilities.



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Joy Bahera Posted On - Apr 26, 2022
B.Tech Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2017)

Most students of IIT Bombay who leave their high paying jobs and join grad schools for Ph.D., do so for their love of research and innovation. Working on problems you discover and coming up with new approaches can be enthralling and rewarding. 

Earning six figures is great, but earning one-third of that amount as a grad student doesn’t mean you will be poor. You will get fewer luxuries, but the amount of money is sufficient to make a comfortable living. Pursuing a Ph.D. will give you an extended college life, as well. Being in school can be quite fun.  



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Kishalay Ghosh Posted On - Feb 26, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2019)

After completing graduation, many students of IIT get jobs in top companies too with good packages but some of them leave these high paying jobs and join grad schools for PhD. Working in these companies and earning six figures can be great but earning less than half of it while studying isn't bad too. As after completing your PhD, you will get a job with a higher salary but still, a person who has already worked for 6 years in a company will earn more than you. So people don't opt for Ph.D. just for a higher salary, there are other reasons too.

Interest in Research

  • Some people have a deep interest in research and want to know more in their field and they find it better than doing a regular 9 to 5 job. 
  • They find it more exciting though it can be more hectic than doing a job.

Student Life

  • A life of a student is much better than an employed one as they can go for classes they like, work according to their time, and take a break whenever needed. 
  • Many people want to stay like this and enjoy and learn at the same time. So they opt for a Ph.D.

Thus, students willing to study and research more about a particular topic or subject, they go for a higher degree. For these students learning about the subject has a bigger priority than high-paying jobs. It depends completely upon the individual and their interests which makes them either go for a PhD or a high paying job.`



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