What should I pack for IIT Bombay?

1 Answer

Pratik Gandhi Posted On - Mar 21, 2023
B.Tech. CSE, IIT Bombay

Most students while packing for their higher studies can think of common things like clothes, bags, footwear, watches etc. In reality, all you need is a few pairs of trousers and t- shirts and a sturdy floater. 

Rather than materialistic things, you need to pack and prepare other things that will help you at IIT Bombay 

  • Determination: Joining IIT Bombay Is a dream for many and since you have achieved it you should be determined to give your best and excel in every aspect. Nurture your abilities to the fullest and pave the way to success.
  • A pocket diary: It may sound backward but carrying a diary around is very useful. Note down what you learn new every day or the pending tasks. 
  • A Family photo: This will keep you attached to your loved ones even if you are miles apart and will also serve as a reminder to talk to them daily. 
  • Cycle: Yes, even inside the campus you will need a cycle to travel faster and save money.
  • Some homemade healthy food: This will keep you full and cater to untimely cravings.

Apart from these things you should also take some habits with you that will help you release stress from academics. These may be anything that makes you happy like dancing, reading, writing, coding, designing, drawing, sports, music, etc.



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