Why should I do an MBA from ISB?

1 Answer

Kavya Hedge Posted On - Jan 30, 2023
MBA in Marketing Strategy & Information Technology, Indian School of Business (Graduated 2019)

The simple answer to your question as to why you should do an MBA from ISB is because it is one of the top Indian B Schools that has made its place in globally-acknowledged QS Rankings. It achieved this rank for its 1 year MBA program and surpassed top B Schools like IIM Calcutta. 

ISB Hyderabad MBA program has its own benefits and helps in uplifting your career tremendously. Given below are some major perks of pursuing an MBA from ISB

  • It helps you progress better than your peers and acquire the topmost position at your firm
  • It helps broaden your professional network as you interact with professionals from IITs, NITs, and lawyers.
  • The rigorous schedule and campus life offer a plethora of challenges and prepare you for the toughest situations 
  • The hostels are not only well-built but have a relaxed ambiance. There is a level of freedom that is often lacking in the case of IIT and other institutes
  • You get to associate yourself with widely famous industry experts who were once students in the same college
  • The Real Capstone Projects’ at ISB facilitates industry-oriented learning and help you learn the basic know-how 
  • If you have less time on hand and want to achieve maximum results in a short period of time this 1 year MBA program is perfect for you.

ISB Hyderabad is literally an alternative to Stanford University and a very good choice for someone who wants great results within a year.



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