How would you rank IIM Udaipur, Trichy, Ranchi, and Raipur?

1 Answer

Rahul Bisht Posted On - Jan 21, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (Graduated 2021)

It is difficult to provide a definitive ranking of business schools as the best choice will depend on your individual priorities and goals. To determine which among IIM Udaipur, Trichy, Ranchi, and Raipur is the best fit for you, it is important to consider factors such as the curriculum and placement opportunities in your desired field, the focus on research, the availability of Students Exchange Programs and other opportunities for exposure, and the overall perception of the school.

If you have a specific field or area of focus in mind, you should look for a B-school that offers a strong curriculum and good placement prospects in that area. If you are interested in gaining hands-on research experience, you should consider schools that have a strong orientation toward research. If you are looking for opportunities to gain exposure and experience through programs like student exchange, you should consider schools with a strong track record in this area.

If you do not have a specific priority and are unable to identify a clear difference between the opportunities offered by different B-schools, you may want to consider their perception. While this can be difficult to quantify, their overall perception can impact the quality of your peers and the overall learning environment. To judge the perception of a B-school, you should do your own research and consider factors such as the reputation of the school, the accomplishments of its faculty and alumni, and the resources and support available to students. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your personal goals and priorities.



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