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I have done my master's from IIM Raipur. How can I apply for jobs in other countries, maybe New Zealand/Canada?

Keshav Singh Posted On : February 9th, 2023
Elecronics Assembler at Hella New Zealand (2020–present)

When it comes to obtaining work visas in different countries, it is important to understand that most countries do not provide direct entry to international students. This is because it is a source of income for the country, so they require international students to complete their education and then apply for a work visa. However, some countries, such as those with a skill gap in their industries, are inviting high-skill migrants with more than 3 years of work experience to fill that gap.

When it comes to New Zealand, it does not provide any kind of work visa, you must have to take a course and then apply for the work visa. It is an important aspect to keep in mind while planning to work in New Zealand.

Canada, on the other hand, is providing express entry to skilled migrants if they want to settle in Canada. This is a great opportunity for those who have the skills and qualifications that Canada is looking for. If you are interested in working in Canada, it is a good idea to research the express entry program and see if you qualify. 

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What job profiles and pay packages can I expect after MBA from ISB Hyderabad?

Srinivas Gunda Posted On : February 7th, 2023
Audit Senior at BDO USA, LLP (2019–present)

Your job prospects are defined by your specialization and the industry or sector you are willing to choose.

Domains like International Business, Sales, marketing, or strategic planning can fetch you a package of around 15 Lakh to 30 Lakh INR. You can expect a higher salary if you invest in your core education and experience.

You can go for other sectors too and secure jobs in MNCs that offer packages as high as INR 50 Lakh. The roles offered by Tech companies like Google, IBM, and GE offer some of the most coveted roles. At the end, all that matters is your profile and your job inclinations.

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I would like to join ISB (Indian School of Business) Hyderabad for a business analytics course. Is it good? Can I get a good job opportunity through this course?

Pria Maheshwari Posted On : January 30th, 2023
Studied ISB Young Leaders Program at Indian School of Business (2021)

My answer is based on my sister’s comparison therefore is brutally honest and objective. Some people might still be praising the Business Analytics course but trust me it’s their see efforts to increase its market value only.

I personally am here to convince you against the Business Analytics course. My sister was a student in the same program and even after relentless efforts for 1.5 years, the results were nowhere near expectations. In Fact, she suffered throughout the course and her career was affected a lot in the process. The following points strongly support my opinion and might convince you of the same

Poor quality and substandard faculty who keep changing their rules 

  • The topics are covered very vaguely and no in-depth insight is offered. An entire topic is covered in 5 lectures that are technically just 10 hours.
  • The assignments are not evaluated properly and you don’t receive any feedback from the professors that might encourage you to do better
  • No placement assistance is offered to students in ISB Hyderabad 
  • The batch size is ever-increasing and has made ISB Hyderabad a money-marking Institute only.
  • You don’t get to choose one area of Analytics that you want to specialize in and have to study irrelevant subjects that might be of no use to you in the future 
  • Despite the fees and everything, it’s just a Certificate program and not a degree or diploma
  • The Certificate of Business Analytics is not approved by the Government of India and has little value officially 

If you are really keen to pursue your career in Business Analytics, choose one area in analytics you want to specialize in and pursue that specific area only. For instance, you can choose a Big data or Machine Learning course and go through their concepts and look for jobs and internships in that area specifically. This is a faster and much more focused way rather than joining the CBA program.

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Is it worth leaving a Rs. 65K per month job to join IMT, Ghaziabad?

Pramod Gupta Posted On : January 30th, 2023
studied Technology Entrepreneurship Program & Management at Indian School of Business (2019)

Leaving a job with such good pay is a very risky decision and should be considered only if it’s the top B School you are after. These include the top IIMS, XLRI, FMS, SP JAIN, or MDI. Giving up your high-paying job to join IMT Ghaziabad does not make sense. The ROI will not be worth the program considering the two-year opportunity loss of salary and high IMT fees.

Moreover, IMT Ghaziabad placements are quite restricted in the sense that if you are not among the top 100 students in a batch of 600 students, you will end up with an average package only. The companies visiting IMT Ghaziabad offer the MT position usually to freshers and not students with work experience. Considering all this I don’t think leaving your job for an MBA from IMT Ghaziabad is a wise decision.

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How is your life after IMT Ghaziabad?

Sonez Shekhar Posted On : January 25th, 2023
MBA Operations Management, Indian Institutes of Management (2018)

I know a friend who led a stagnant work life before joining IMT Ghaziabad. After completing his MBA from IMT Ghaziabad, he was offered a much higher salary. His profile did improve but then life challenged him with other problems. He worked as a BA in an American firm. After working for 2 years he finally switched to a Big 4 firm.

IMT Ghaziabad is an old Institute and one’s career prospects depend more on their own motivation and determination here. If you are serious about succeeding you can make the best of the 2 years here and get good roles.

I have seen many students able to get placed because they belonged to the lowest level in class and many same students who were mediocre in studies but managed to grab good roles. So luck is another factor that determines your prospects.

Most of the IMT Ghaziabad alumni I Know are doing great in their careers and belong to the topmost level of their organizations. INT Ghaziabad has impacted the lives of many and its alumni are a living example of the same.

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What are the options available for an MBA graduate from IIM to settle in Visakhapatnam?

Kedar Ravindra Kalokhe Posted On : January 24th, 2023

Your job prospects are directly related to your line of specialization and the related opportunities available. It all depends on the companies whose requirements match your profile.

Many small cities and towns still lack job prospects for an MBA graduate even if he has the degree of an IIM. So it’s better you grab the best opportunities during the final placements itself. After that, depending on your performance you can climb the ladder and avail a plethora of job opportunities.

So if you are planning to settle in Visakhapatnam your prospects are a little bleak because it is a small city.

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I recently applied to IIM Visakhapatnam for a visiting faculty position. What should I expect next?

Madhurima Dutta Posted On : January 24th, 2023
Lives in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

If you have applied for a visiting faculty position at IIM Visakhapatnam you should wait for an interview call from them. If you are qualified enough and talented then they will definitely approach you for a faculty position. IIMs have the pressure to maintain the IIM standards so they are always on the hunt for the best professors. So if you are confident of your worth, apply to other IIMs also. I am sure one of the many IIMs will identify your talent and offer you a suitable position.

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What is your opinion about IIM Raipur for a GEM from NITW earning 13 LpA in the IT industry with 22 months work experience?

Praveen Kumar M Posted On : January 21st, 2023
PGDM from Indian Institute of Management Raipur (Graduated 2015)

Let’s make this easy to understand by comparing what you will be earning in 2 years if you continue to work here and the average package you might be offered after completing an MBA of 2 years.

Your current salary is 13 LPA. So in 2 years, you will be earning around 16 LPA. The average salary of IIM Raipur is INR 17.73 LPA. Now if you compare the two you will see there isn’t much difference between the two. In fact, if you go for an MBA you will end up with an extra loan. Paying back the hefty loan is itself a big task. So, in my opinion, you should continue working in the firm.

If you really want to pursue MBA, prepare for CAT next year and aim for an older IIM as it might improve your opportunities. Then again go for CAT again only if you are confident that you will

be able to ace it.

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Can you become a professor in IIMs or IITs after FPM from new IIMs, like Rohtak or Raipur?

Biplab Roy Posted On : January 21st, 2023
MBA Strategy and Operations, Indian Institute of Management Raipur

Becoming a professor from the new IIMs is definitely possible but rare. The FPM program offered at the new IIMs has varied peers some being freshers while some with Masters from foreign universities.

The following things matter when selecting an Assistant Professor in a new IIM

  • Your experience 
  • The quality of your papers

The chances are rare because most of the new IIMs have professors who have done Ph.D. from older IIMs like IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Calcutta. Ph.D. is a program that totally depends on your performance and research. The initial years focus solely on research training and cannot be enough to make you eligible for faculty positions.

So your chances are rare but not null.

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Should I join Accenture or IIM Raipur?

Animesh Shah Posted On : January 20th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Raipur (2021)

Your question basically means whether you should gain experience or pursue MBA from IIM Raipur. In my opinion, joining IIM Raipur is the right choice because

  1. You have cleared CAT and got selected. This might never happen in the future again due to the unpredictable nature of CAT. So don’t lose this opportunity.
  2. Joining Raipur right now is almost similar to going for a better B school 2 years later as Raipur might be flourishing till then.
  3. Even if you work and join IIM Raipur later, your disinterest in the job might be reflected in your interview thus becoming a negative impact on the panelists.

The fear of joining a new IIM is common as one is investing huge amounts of money. But you need to remember that every new IIM becomes an old IIM one day. 

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