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Is it worth doing a 1-year course from TSW - IIM Nagpur General Management? I have around 8 years of work experience in different domains and now in SAP.

Sagardeep Posted On : January 23rd, 2023
Career Mentor I Ex-IBM | Ex-Pepsico | Ex-Jockey (2007–present)

It is important to recognize that while an executive education or a distance learning course may not provide the same level of knowledge as a full-time MBA program, they do have the power to add the prestigious brand value of IIMs to one's name. This brand value can prove to be highly beneficial in the later stages of one's career, particularly in middle and senior management roles.

Therefore, when considering such a course, it is crucial to choose the course and institute wisely. For example, a course offered by IIM Ahmedabad will carry more brand value than one offered by IIM Nagpur, and a specialized strategy course will likely have a greater impact than a general management course.

As an individual who is an SAP professional, one might soon find themselves moving into project management and then on to program management. It is important to note that clients are often drawn to well-known and reputable names, and having an IIM tag next to one's name can add immense value when pitching to clients or responding to RFPs and RFQs.

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Is it good to join IIM Nagpur for a person with 3 years of experience earning around 8.5 PA?

Arshit Jain Posted On : January 23rd, 2023
American Express, IIM Nagpur, NIT Surathkal

It depends on the individual's career aspirations and the options they have at their disposal. Many people left some of the big names with packages more than what has been stated, to come to IIM Nagpur. If one is looking from a short-term perspective, they may not gain much monetarily as IIM Nagpur is one of the newer IIMs. However, this does not mean that after completing a PGP, they will end up earning the same salary as their current one. It simply means not to expect the same coveted profiles of consultants that IIM ABC manages to secure for its students. The placement for the first batch of students has begun and it seems to be going well and is expected to improve in the future.

When it comes to the most important aspect, learning, and experience, studying at one of the IIMs ensures access to some of the best people as peers, with experience in different domains and industries. The opportunity to learn from the best faculty in the country, all of whom come from IIM A, is something that cannot be measured in monetary terms. The academic rigor and the knowledge gained here will differentiate one from others in the long run. The two 15-day Field Immersion Programs after the first and second terms are unique to IIM Nagpur, where students will get hands-on experience in solving problems of both government and non-government organizations, which will prove beneficial in the challenging corporate world. The program was proposed by IIM-A alumni when the program structure for IIM Nagpur was being drafted.

Finally, it is important to remember that there are many elements included in an MBA program and CTC is only one of them. One should not let their current or near-term CTC determine what they will gain from a PGPM from IIM Nagpur.

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Should IIMs opened in 2015 (Jammu Sirmaur Vizag Nagpur) be preferred over IMT Ghaziabad?

Chanchal Ghera Posted On : January 19th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (Graduated 2022)

No, I don't think the new IIMs should be preferred over a well-established institute like IMT Ghaziabad. I have seen many instances wherein people forgo offers from new IIMs to join IMT Ghaziabad.

The IIM brand has failed to convince students to join the new IIMs for a diploma. A cursory glance at the low placement figures last year at some of the relatively newer IIMs (Raipur, Rohtak, Ranchi, Kashipur, and Udaipur) when compared to their older counterparts, too, tells its own story.

Another important issue for management aspirants is that even if they are okay with the lack of infrastructure, full-time faculty members, and alumni, they cannot ignore the delayed start to the sessions at the new IIMs. While faculty members think that this time gap in starting operations can be bridged easily, students feel that they might lose out on their summer internships.

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How do I decide among IIT Madras and IIM Nagpur for an MBA?

Mohit Pandey Posted On : January 17th, 2023
PGDM Finance & Strategy, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (2018)

If you want my honest opinion here it is. I would choose neither of the colleges you mentioned. My opinion is based on the following reasons.

  • IIT Madras excels in the technological field but has no specialization in Management at all.
  • IIM Nagpur is a baby IIM and does not do justice to the IIM family name

But if you have no other options at all, then IIM Nagpur seems the better of the two. It is in the process of developing so maybe in some years it earns the credibility it owes to the IIM family and lives up to its name. Also some blind companies still prefer IIM students over other B Schools.

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Is it very difficult to get admission in IIM Nagpur?

Nimesh Jivani Posted On : January 17th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (2020)

Your question is quite vague given that the admission criteria are directly linked to your profile. The chances of one’s admission are proportional to your grades and experiences and therefore cannot be generalized. 

Let me elaborate for you. In the entrance exam, every candidate has their own strengths and weaknesses. One might be good in the Quantum section but as at General Knowledge and vice Versa. While many get good scores in the entrance exam, they fail to muster the courage to speak in the interview which lowers their chances of admission despite a good CAT percentile.

Still, if I rate the level of difficulty to get admission at the top IIM A B and C as 10/10 then I will rate IIM Nagpur as 6. This is because I know a friend who scored 92 percentile with decent past academics and work experience of around a year and yet got into IIM Nagpur.

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Having a 3.5 year experience in EPC Project Management, should one join IIM Nagpur/Vizag or should wait for a year, and go for an Executive MBA?

Boga Akhil Posted On : January 17th, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (Graduated 2019)

Before dwelling on the details and explanations, let me give you a simple answer. 

  • You should go for a 2-year MBA program if you are open to switching domains in the future. One of my friends was in a similar situation with around 4 years of experience in EPC Project Management. After great anticipation, she decided to go for IIM. Visakhapatnam which is a relatively new IIM. But it happened to be one of the best decisions of her life. She realized her inclination toward Finance and ended up with a role in the financial planning department of her company. She says that the MBA program changed her perspective and broadened her career spectrum which would not have been possible if she had taken an Executive program.
  • You can go for the Executive program if you want to upscale your career prospects in the same field. Or you want a certificate that can get you a better job at a better company. This is a viable option if you are not open to switching domains and want to stick with your current field.

Now that I have talked about both scenarios let’s clear some misconceptions about the new IIMs. Frankly, they are not yet anywhere near the older IIMs but that does not change the fact that they have been developing at a speeding rate and are bound to do more so in the future. Through various interactions with the alumni, I have inferred that they were glad they joined the new IIM which provided world-class facilities and a breath of fresh air.

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How is IIM Nagpur for a fresher?

Shubham Gehlot Posted On : January 17th, 2023
UG Medical Student from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Expected 2026)

If you are a fresher and not sure about joining IIM Nagpur, you can consider the following factors

  • Options: A very important aspect while choosing a college is the list of options you are choosing from. You might have a different plethora of options than others. Research the placements, faculty, and infrastructure of these colleges and then decide.
  • Academic background: IIM Nagpur offers excellent exposure and placements to students who are Software oriented or with a Finance backfiring. But, if in case, you have an interest in core backgrounds, then your chances are low as recruiters prefer experienced professionals for such roles
  • Personal Interest: If you are included in developing technical skills rather than managerial skills then IIM Nagpur is definitely a good option.
  • Roles offered: Freshers, as well as experienced students, are offered roles in Product Management, Business Analysis, Consulting etc. IIM Nagpur has an excellent alumni base and teaching methodology for these roles specifically.

I think IIM Nagpur does not discriminate much between freshers and experienced people. So don’t worry and give your luck a try.

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Is there a considerable amount of difference between a baby IIM and a top one, IIM Nagpur vs IIM Ahmedabad for instance? What would the differences be?

Sachin Yadav Posted On : January 17th, 2023
PGP from Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur (2022)

Every educational institute takes a good time to make its mark in the industry. No B School has been flourishing since day one. The old IIMs that are considered the topmost B Schools also have their own journey of growth and becoming what they are today. It is only through baby steps that they have improvised in various aspects like faculties

  • placement
  • alumni network
  • curriculum 
  • online courses
  • certification program
  • premium batch 

The older IIMs have evolved in these aspects gradually over the years and not right off the bat. The same is expected from the new IIMs. They are slowly making their mark and climbing the ladder but they have a long way to go. It might take them years to give an edge to any of the older IIMs. So I don’t think it’s justifiable to compare them to old IIMs.

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What is a better choice, take a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursue an MBA at IIM Nagpur?

Nupoor Sinha Posted On : January 17th, 2023
PGP from Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur (Graduated 2022)

I cannot answer your question directly but I can direct you to answer it yourself. Choosing something related to your career requires constant analysis of your own interests. 

Now let’s look at the 2 options you have. Taking a job at Infosys as a fresher or pursuing an MBA from IIM Nagpur. One choice may be right for someone and wrong for the other person. So it’s up to you to decide.

You should join Infosys only if you are interested in solving technical problems. You will be trained at the training facility at Mysore and made to inculcate impeccable technical skills. You will be dealing with the technological aspects of the company. like working on features of a product, and solving/reporting bugs for a product. Your future job prospects include becoming a Technical Analyst, Tech lead, or other tech-savvy roles. You need to have a serious interest in this area if you choose this option.

You should pursue an MBA from Nagpur or any other IIM only if you are interested in solving business problems. Here you will be taught by world-class faculty for 2 years who will teach you the various dimensions of business management. You will have to participate in case studies, quizzes, classroom participation, presentations, group assignments, club activities, etc. During the second year, you can focus on one or two of your favorite domains. MBA will open doors for big placement offers.

So what matters, in the end, is what you want to do in life and what you are passionate about.

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Are colleges like LBSIM/FORE better than? IIM Nagpur, Sambalpur, Sirmaur, and Jammu?

Anurag Sharma Posted On : January 17th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur

Top B Schools like LBSIM/FORE are incomparable to the new IIMs. They have been established for decades and the new IIMs cannot be included in them at least in the near future. Although some might say that some new IIMs are under the mentorship of old IIMs like Lucknow, they haven’t made the mark yet. Whereas the already leading B Schools LMSIM and FORE are on the verge of making it to the top. Even the IIM tag is of little value here.

Let me explain this through an example. You go to buy an electronic device and purchase a branded device. Yet the model is a very old one. It is of little value despite being branded. Same is the case here. The new IIMs do give you the IIM tag but it is of little worth.

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