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I am interested in pursuing PGDBA offered by IIT KGP, IIM C, and ISI Kolkata. Have little to no programming experience. Should I pursue this career? 

Gargi Devnath Posted On : September 15th, 2021
PGDBA Business Analytics & Data Science, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (2017)

My brother is doing his PGDBA from IIT KGP and he was rather afraid of programming and coding when he started the course. If you're stuck in the same situation, then my only advice is to enroll in the course with an open mind and a desire to learn to program if you don't already know-how. 

Coding Experience: There is always a first time of everything. Now there are numerous MOOCs available online that can assist you in taking the initial step. The discipline of analytics (technical side) necessitates solid coding abilities, and therefore if you want to pursue a career in analytics, you should start learning the necessary skills now.

Work Experience: It is not necessary to have prior work experience to enroll in the course. However, relevant analytical experience aids in extracting greater value from the course. 

According to your assessment of your interests, you have a preference for fields involving mathematics and statistics. Analytical science is an excellent fit in that regard. I would recommend that you go into MOOCs like Coursera, audacity, and your willingness to learn more about this field. You will obtain a better understanding of the field and would be able to decide if this is a good fit for you or not.

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How is XLRI compared to IIM B and C?

Udita Chowdhury Posted On : June 28th, 2022
Studied at Xavier School of Management

XLRI usually scores right after IIM B and C. If you are interested in Marketing or Finance, you should definitely choose IIM B or C. These have better brand recognition and at least 10-15 companies visit the campus placements of IIM B and C which don’t come to XLRI. 

Hower, XLRI HRM is the best Human Resources course available in the country. In terms of alumni and career opportunities, it is way better than IIM B and C. 

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My academics are 65% 75%. Is there any chance to get a call from IIM Calcutta or Bangalore?

Abigail Pandey Posted On : December 12th, 2022
Having a superhero life, waiting for an arch-rival

If you have a 99 percentile or higher, you have a good chance of getting a call from IIM Calcutta. Many students with less than 60% are enrolled in IIM C.

IIM Bangalore is unlikely because they place a high value on the profile.

The only thing you can do right now is to perform effectively on the CAT and improve your profile. Attempt to improve your CAT score. Do a variety of certifications to raise your profile. Never waste your valuable time worrying about your academic performance. What has been done is done, you cannot change it.

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What should I do as an undergrad to get into IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore or IIM Calcutta?

Samiksha Sharma Posted On : November 21st, 2022
MA in Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia (Graduated 2021)

As an undergraduate, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Better 10th and 12th-grade point averages, at least above 80% in both.

  • Maintain your academic focus.

  • Choose a non-engineering subject for your undergraduate studies. It will help your profile.

  • Attempt to score above the 99th percentile on the CAT. If you want, you can do coaching during your undergrad.

  • Enhance your communication and writing abilities. This will be beneficial in WAT and GD/PI. If you want, you can join Toastmasters or start a blog.

  • If you want, try to participate in some extracurricular activities. This will not improve your IIM chances (unless you have a national-level certificate), but it will add some vibrancy to your profile. Activities can range from being a member of a club or placement cell to creating your own YouTube channel.

  • Perform some internships or work as a freelancer on a project. It will provide fodder for conversation in interviews.

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I have converted calls from IIM Bangalore and IIM Calcutta this year. Which one should I opt for?

Devansh Jha Posted On : December 16th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

You should go to the campus where you know the most people from the senior class. Regardless of the field, you want to enter after graduation, an MBA is all about networking, knowing the right people, and making sure they know you. 

At this point, your academic credentials will be on average the same as the rest of the batch, so you must distinguish yourself. Knowing people on campus before you arrive is important, as is understanding the nuances of academics, clubs, internships, placements, and so on.

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Which college should I choose? I have got selected at IIM Calcutta and NITIE.

Bhawana Jain Posted On : December 12th, 2022
IIM Lucknow2019; Converted IIML, K, SP Jain, NITIE

IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, and Lucknow are not suitable for the operations stream. If you are certain that this is the path you want to take, NITIE is the best option for you. The fact that the fees are less than half those of IIM C is an added bonus.

If you are unsure of which stream you want to pursue a career in or if you prefer a stream other than operations, IIM Calcutta is the best option.

Consider fees as an added benefit to NITIE. Do not consider it a deciding factor in your studies. Obtaining loans is simple; banks practically beg to lend to you. And once you graduate from college, you will be financially secure enough to cover your student loans.

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I am a GEM fresher and have confirmed admission offers from IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Calcutta, but have been waitlisted by IIM Bangalore. Which offer should I accept and why?

Prateek Tiwari Posted On : July 31st, 2021
Studied at Delhi University (2019)

It is quite apparent that if you haven’t met people who actually studied in either of these institutions. That’s why this answer is based on my graduation batchmates who successfully managed to secure a seat at IIM Ahmedabad.

Comparing the two IIM Calcutta and Ahmedabad, both the institutions have a big alumni network and claim to be at par. However, that doesn't mean that both are identical or similar because the internal factors matter a lot.

Here are some insights about these IIMs you must have a look at before deciding.

  • Although both IIM Calcutta and Ahmedabad would have the same curriculum being IIMs, you will see slight modifications in the course structure for both.
  • You will also notice a huge difference in batch profile which changes each year with the new admission.
  • In terms of placements, you might find a few recruiters who don’t visit all three institutions, but luckily, most reputed and top-notch firms are likely to visit all of them.
  • However, you can see a difference in the sectoral distribution of placements.
  • But the right CV and preparation will help you land your dream job no matter which IIM you choose.
  • As my friends complete their MBA at IIMA, their amazing learning experience and successful job profiles create an inclination towards IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Although all three of them are some of the best B–schools in India.

However, in your case, if you want to wait for IIM Bangalore's waitlist to proceed, do check the past years’ records. Check if the waitlists of the past few years have created a huge difference for the waiting candidates. If not, go for any of IIM Calcutta or Ahmedabad without giving a second thought.

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How is the career growth after one year MBA from IIMs (Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore)?

Avinash Sethi Posted On : August 6th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Career growth after a one-year MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, or Indore, can be good. These courses are aimed at experienced industry professionals. After a few years of industry experience, working professionals can opt for these courses and upskill themselves, to perform better in their roles or escalate their careers. 

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If you had to choose between IIM Indore this year, or IIM C next year, what would you choose?

Seema Bhaduriya Posted On : December 12th, 2022
know quite a few things about CAT and IIMs

You should always be in the present moment. It is far better to seize this opportunity rather than pushing what you have in hand in the hope of getting something better.

Many individuals have rejected IIMK in the past, believing that they would ace the CAT with a much higher percentile and gain admission to IIM A, B, or C the following year. Many of these people ended up scoring much lower and failing to progress.

You have a desirable offer that many people would have loved to have. You, on the other hand, know yourself better than anyone else. As a matter of fact, the final decision is yours.

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How would you rank the following business schools, ISB, IIM A, B, C, L, XLRI, FMS, and SPJIMR?

Aniket Gupta Posted On : March 31st, 2022
lives in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

The ranking order of these B-Schools is as follows.


This ranking order is based on various parameters like academics, faculty, alumni base, location, ROI, brand value, batch size, etc. Although this is a general ranking. For certain specialization or some specific factor, the ranking will be different. For example, if we talk about HR specialization, XLRI will be ranked above all the other colleges. XLRI HRM is the best Human Resource Management program in the Asia Pacific region.

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