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What are some experiences people have had with the IGNOU exams? Are they difficult and what level of preparation is needed or can one be a bit easygoing?

Sanchit Kapadia Posted On : October 13th, 2022
MCA from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

The truth about IGNOU is that it does not care about you, and its success rate is much lower than that of other universities. IGNOU will be much more difficult than any other university; even your regular course may be much easier than what you will experience at IGNOU. It's not so much the degree that you'll get from IGNOU as it is the experience of how harsh and demanding life will be, how things will go wrong and you'll have to make them right. The terms provided by IGNOU may appear simple, but soon everything will begin to unfold; there will be success and setbacks. You will have to rework things over and over again, or you will fail. Exams are easy but they become tougher as you progress. You might get (low) grades as you've never gotten before, just because IGNOU is a miser in terms of giving marks. 

Even though IGNOU exams are not difficult, here are some factors that contribute to their difficulty: The study material is never delivered on time; if it is, you will not receive your entire syllabus for the current semester; frequently, the study material arrives in the following semester. The exam schedule is appalling. There will be times when you have two exams on the same day, times when you have exams on consecutive days, and times when you only have one exam at the end of the month. Exam papers are not difficult (if you know the subject), but the point is that there is no specific standard that IGNOU has set for its marking scheme. As a result, even if you have answered questions correctly and to the best of your ability, you may still lose.

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How does the distance education through IGNOU work? How is the submission of assignments done and how are the semester and exams conducted?

Bhargavi Pradhan Posted On : October 13th, 2022
M.A. in Economics, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Here is the process:

a) Complete the online form.

b) Make a fee payment online.

c) You will be assigned to a study center based on your preferences and availability.

d) Your ID card and books will be mailed to you.

e) Attending classes is not required. Weekend and holiday classes are available.

f) You must submit your assignments to your study center. You can prepare your assignments using the IGNOU materials.

g) Then you must complete the exam forms for the subjects for which you wish to write the exams. You may enter any number for that specific year. The minimum period for a Masters's degree is two years, and the maximum period is five years.

h) Take the exam and find out the results.

i) Repeat the process the following year. 

The process is very simple once you understand it effectively.

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IGNOU What is the procedure for submitting assignments?

Niharika Mann Posted On : October 13th, 2022
M.A. in Psychology & Clinical Psychology, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Below are the following steps: 

A. Go to IGNOU's assignment page and download your assignment.

Take care to only download assignments for the current year. Many students make the mistake of downloading the previous year's assignment, only to discover this on the day of submission. If you download the incorrect assignment, all of your hard work will be for naught.

B. Worksheets

A4 sheets with rules on both sides are standard in all study centers. If you intend to submit in punched files, you can purchase punched sheets. IGNOU's regulations clearly state that assignments should be written on white sheets only. Printing is not permitted. You must complete your entire assignment. Printouts of complex diagrams and graphs, on the other hand, can be pasted.

Your teachers can best advise you on this because it varies from course to course.

C. Writing Assignments 

To be honest, most students copy their assignments from the internet or their friends. You can use whatever method you want, depending on how accommodating the teachers at your study center are. It is recommended that you write your assignment yourself. The reasons are straightforward: 

a) You will read and try to understand the topics presented in books as you work on your assignments. If you sincerely complete your assignment by reading and understanding concepts on your own, you will have completed more than half of your exam preparation.

b) Your assignment will be one-of-a-kind and may make an excellent first impression.

c) You do not need to be concerned about the viva.

If you choose to copy your assignment, please prepare thoroughly for the viva. You can get good grades in assignments if you give a good viva.

D. Set a deadline.

When you download an assignment from IGNOU's website, the deadline is usually written on the front page of each course's assignment. Although the deadline specified in the assignment is always extended by about 15-20 days. To be on the safe side, complete your assignment well before the deadline specified in your assignment.

E. The Submission Date

Organize your assignments neatly and orderly in files.

Go to your Study Center, where you will be given a receipt to fill out. It will be stamped and signed by your study center once completed. Keep the receipt safe until the results are announced. If your assignment grades aren't updated on IGNOU's website, your receipt will come in handy. After that, turn in your assignment to the teacher. They will begin checking it while also considering your viva. 

F. Final approval

When the results are announced, double-check your grade card to ensure that your assignment grades have been properly updated. If you have any questions, please contact the regional center using the assignment submission receipt.

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What is your review of Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU?

Prateeksha Garg Posted On : October 13th, 2022
Studied at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

In IGNOU, none of the faculty members at your regional center or study center will assist you in answering your questions. You must assume everything on your own and act accordingly. If you have any questions about your assignment submission or lab courses, your study center will simply tell you to contact the regional center. And in the regional center, no one will answer the phone, and no one will respond to your emails. If you accidentally sent your document or something to the wrong center, they will notify you after the form submission deadline and tell you that there is nothing you can do and that you must submit the form again in the upcoming semester. Rude teachers will respond to your inquiries. You may feel as if you are studying without paying fees, and the teachers are unconcerned about your problems. They are simply teachers by designation; they have no idea what to do or how to assist students with assignments/labs, etc. 

Students are pursuing distance education because they are unable to attend college daily due to their jobs. However, they expect them to travel to a regional center that is not in the same city every month to have our basic questions answered. In terms of projects, they may say in viva that the report should look like this. When you submit the report as instructed the next time, another superintendent will be present to reject it and instruct you to format it as before.

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Is an MBA from IGNOU a valued one or not?

Pooja Agrawal Posted On : October 13th, 2022
MBA from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Even an IIM degree may be worthless if you do not learn anything while pursuing it.

Because you have not specified the nature of your use for an MBA degree, it is assumed that you are a working professional interested in gaining theoretical knowledge of management through an MBA from IGNOU.

When we compare IGNOU to other distance learning universities such as SMU and Symbiosis, we can see that IGNOU stands out due to the well-structured course material and the importance of assignments. The faculty who are mentoring SOMS IGNOU (School of Management Studies) is top-tier professors from IIMs and IIFT, as well as senior government officials. 

However, expecting an MBA to be equivalent to a regular MBA degree to get a job is unrealistic. Most MBA programs in India are extremely rigorous and intensive. This is because a future manager is expected to perform under pressure, and a management student is subjected to that pressure from day one of his MBA program. As a result of regular case study discussions and extensive knowledge sharing in peer groups, a regular MBA is considered to be far more valuable than a distance MBA. However, a regular MBA requires a significant time and financial investment. 

So, if you are already in a well-established job and want to advance to a management position or simply learn more about the theoretical aspects of management, an MBA from IGNOU will undoubtedly help you serve the purpose with minimal investment of both time and money.

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Are IGNOU materials relevant for the UPSC?

Ragini Prajapati Posted On : October 13th, 2022
M.A IN PHILOSOPHY from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

IGNOU Public Administration material is very simple and lucid, covering the majority of the UPSC Public Administration syllabus. Before moving on to books by Mohit Bhattacharya and Administrative Thinkers like Prasad & Prasad, IGNOU material is a good starting point. The same is true for the other subjects. So, if you are reading the subject for the first time, you can go through them to get a basic understanding of it.

It is recommended to read blogs on the subject, consult standard textbooks used for the specific course at university, and, most importantly, form a study group. For serious discussion on topics, this group should stay connected on a messaging platform like Whatsapp and the social media of your choice. If you do this religiously, your IGNOU and UPSC journeys will be smooth and enjoyable!

Disciplined UPSC candidates refer to the study material of this Open University's PG program honestly.

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Why is IGNOUs paper checking so poor? Are they just playing with the students' futures?

Sugandha Shukla Posted On : October 13th, 2022
MCA from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Yes. The IGNOU marking system is very poor, and you must have a lot of patience if you are pursuing any degree from IGNOU. If you fail to submit your assignment grades, your results will be delayed for several months.

IGNOU is certainly playing with students' careers because they are so unconcerned about their grades and future. They are unconcerned about how and what is written on the answer sheets. They only postpone things and do not address the issue.

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Does IGNOU have any importance? Is IGNOU good?

Shikha Sehrawat Posted On : October 12th, 2022
Studied at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

It is advised that you do not consider whether the IGNOU certificate is valuable in terms of getting a job. However, the acquired knowledge and skills will be precious to you. Time management, submitting assignments on time, and sitting for exams at the end are all essential requirements.

The institute's name serves only as an icebreaker at first; once hired, there is no turning back. Put that knowledge to use at work.

Most importantly, it is a GOVERNMENT OF INDIA recognized certificate that is accepted almost everywhere in the world.

So, if you want to work while studying or can't afford a regular course, IGNOU is far superior to good.

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How is IGNOU BA for UPSC ? Which subjects should I choose for BA?

Diksha Roy Posted On : September 12th, 2022
Masters in Political Science and International Relations & Comparative Politics, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Consider what you want as the optional in UPSC and choose it as your honors subject. Public Administration is a good option. Otherwise, you can choose basic BA from IGNOU. The course includes subjects from Social Science, Literature, Community Services, etc.

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How can I do BSC Hons. mathematics in IGNOU?

Ranajay Mishra Posted On : May 26th, 2022
IGNOU M.A. Economics

To do a BSc major or honors in Mathematics from IGNOU, you will have to complete Elective courses worth 40 credits in Mathematics in the span of three years. Out of these 40 credits 28 credits, i.e. MTE 01, 02, 04, and 09 are compulsory. You can select the remaining credits from other papers.

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