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What is the placement of IIM Bangalore and Calcutta Which will be better

Ashay Sinha Posted On : December 12th, 2022
Studied Finance & Marketing at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

You cannot determine which institution is better just by looking at data. Figures tend to mislead you. Rather than relying on just statistics, you need to choose what’s best for you. All the top IIMs are top-notch B Schools. But you need to make a choice based on your personal preference. I have mentioned the specifications of some famous B Schools.

  • IIM Bangalore: It focuses more on experience. Most of the students here are with 1-2 years of experience. 

  • IIM Calcutta: It is rightly called the finance campus of India. If you are interested in Investment Banking, hedge funds, or venture capital firms then IIM Calcutta is the best choice.

  • IIM Ahmedabad: Most of the CAT toppers and CAT aspirants dream to get into IIM Ahmedabad. 

  • XLRI Jamshedpur: It offers the best MBA HR in Asia. 

  • NITIE & SJMSOM(IITB): Go for this if you are interested in operations.

  • FMS Delhi: If you want to have the best ROI from MBA then FMS Delhi is the best option.

Choose your college based on your aspirations and not on the basis of placement statistics.

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Are the IIMs at Ahmedabad Bangalore and Calcutta equally good, especially regarding placements?

Radha Sharan Posted On : December 1st, 2022
Studied at IIM Bangalore

All three are fantastic brands, but that's it. After the first two terms, there isn't much to learn at any of these colleges. If you come from a CA/Commerce background, you won't need to learn much about these two terms. Case study-based instruction is overrated and out of date.

Because the cultures on the campuses differ slightly, it is best to consider where you will fit in the best.

While the set of recruiters is very similar, your ability to get shortlisted is heavily dependent on your relative profile, i.e., your performance in comparison to other students in your batch. It is more important to consider how good your profile is in comparison to the recruiters who come to the college.

IIMB has a much higher average work experience, and IIMC will have more people with extremely high CAT scores but a slightly lower academic performance history. For example, if you don't have stellar academics and aren't from one of the top undergraduate institutions, IIMC is a better option for placement. If you want to work in finance but don't have much experience, IIMA is probably not the best option for you.

A and B have much more professional placement cells, but C has made changes in recent years to move in this direction as well. However, having a professional placement cell does not guarantee a completely fair process, because, in many companies, PPO holders play a significant role in Summer placement shortlists. However, when compared to other colleges, the situation in these three is far superior.

IIM A is a slightly better brand than IIM B and IIM C, but the difference is not significant. You should talk to people at all of these colleges about placement. While much placement-related data is kept confidential, students can still give you an idea of your chances in the field of your choice.

Rather than following the age-old ABC pattern, make an informed decision.

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Is the academic rigour of IIM Calcutta more than IIM Bangalore?

Anik Ganguly Posted On : November 29th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Yes, the academic rigour of IIM Calcutta is more than IIM Bangalore. But to a very little extent. Overall the impact is very little.

The academic rigour at any institute is affected by:

  • Batch-size

  • Curriculum structure 

  • Grading 

IIM Calcutta has the largest batch size. So the academic rigor is higher than other IIMs. Also, it has the fastest academic year. There are no breaks between terms, and midterms are wrapped, in most years, within 3 days with 2–3 exams per day. IIM Calcutta has a Grading scale upto 9 with grades very spaced out within the batch, and competition for superior grades often heats up towards the end of Term 3, with average performance spiking up as everyone wants to score high.

The rest is for you to judge. But keep in mind that the competition vigor at every IIM is the same.

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What is so special about IIM Calcutta? It is one of the oldest IIMs in the country, but what makes it stand out from other institutes in imparting management education?Why would someone join IIM C?

Ramana Krishnan Posted On : November 25th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2018)

Surely IIM Calcutta is the oldest and yet stands out the most from other IIMs. But trust me it has nothing to do with its campus, alumni, education, placement, extracurriculars or any other features. All the IIMs are equally good in all these aspects.

What makes IIM Calcutta different from them?

In reality, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore welcome students only who have been toppers throughout their life. Their academic reports are flawless. Be it their 10th or 12th or Undergraduate. They have never seen failure in their lives. 

But in the case of IIM Calcutta, it has both genius students with flawless reports and people who have great CAT scores but below average undergrad or 10th and 12th scores. IIM Calcutta welcomes a mixed crowd and this is what sets it apart from other IIMs.

At IIM Calcutta, you will find peers who have failed or been to the lowest level once. But they have climbed the ladder of success with determination. Studying alongside people with such qualities makes education much more than just learning your subjects. You grow as a person. You don’t find people here, you find profiles. A manager needs to have these qualities in order to excel.

All the IIMs are great but it’s only IIM Calcutta that welcomes a mixed crowd.

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Why is IIM Calcutta not so talked-about as IIMA or IIMB?

Deepak Gupta Posted On : November 24th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2017)

I think IIM Calcutta is not as recognized or talked about as IIMA or IIMB because it did not gain fame from Bollywood. Bollywood movies have been shot at IIMA and IIMB. So they are more talked about than IIMC. It has nothing to do with its own facilities. That being said, some amazing features of IIM Calcutta are

  1. Top notch alumni base 

  2. Beautiful campus: The campus of IIM Bangalore is not an average one. Its beautiful infrastructure and location give it a surreal ambiance.

  3. Amazing Placements: IIM Calcutta is the best for finance placements. Reputed banks like Merrill, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan and Chase, Goldman Sachs prefer students of IIM Calcutta over IIMA and IIMB. For consulting IIM Calcutta has all the top 4 Mckinsey, Bain, BCG and AT Kearney.

So nothing about IIM Calcutta is less than other IIMs. It just lacks the general fame, not the works.

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What is the fee for SC/ST students in IIM A, B, and C?

Kunal Kishore Posted On : November 24th, 2022
Studies at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (Graduated 2017)

There is no concession for SC/ST students in IIM A, B and C. But this is not a major issue.

IIMs offer a lot of financial aid services to financially weak people. In some cases, the entire fee is paid by the college or some part. It depends on the judgment of the panel on the basis of your situation.

All IIMs offer educational loans at a relatively low interest rate. Banks usually consider IIM students as a profitable investment. So rather than worrying about the money, focus more on your goals.

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Should residents of Ahmedabad skip IIM Ahmedabad, to avoid constant disturbance from family members, and try for IIM Calcutta or IIM Bangalore instead?

Prateek Tade Posted On : November 23rd, 2022
M.B.A. from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Graduated 2021)

I wouldn’t say that as a student of IIM Ahmedabad and also a resident of Ahmedabad, visits from your family members will be a problem. This is because the maximum duration of your day will be spent in classes, studying for exams or assignments. You will not even have the time to be disturbed by your family members. It’s not that big of a factor that might change your decision to go to IIM Calcutta or Bangalore rather than IIM Ahmedabad. Moreover chances are that you might face some health issues and it's to your advantage as an Ahmedabad resident that your family members will tend to you so that you can recover quickly.

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How is IIM Ahmedabad different than IIM B, C, K, and I?

Nishad Shah Posted On : November 21st, 2022
Studies at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Expected 2023)

IIM Ahmedabad is indeed different from IIM B, C, K, and I in many aspects. Some of these aspects are it’s:

  • Discipline: when it comes to discipline, IIMA tops the list. The first year is a real-life challenge for students with hundreds of cases to study, group assignments and projects.

  • Case pedagogy: This is the highlight of the IIM Ahmedabad curriculum. IIMAs curriculum aligns with that of Harvard Business School. So it focuses more on problem-solving classes.

  • Architecture: IIMs pride lies in its heritage architecture. The red bricks surrounding the semicircular arches enhance the campus’ appearance tenfold.

  • Crowd: Without any doubt, the cream of students get into IIMA. This is because it has the highest cutoff.

  • Faculty: IIMA has top-notch faculty while some of them are IIM Ahmedabad alumni themselves.

IIM Ahmedabad is different from other IIMs in all these aspects. But what really sets it apart is its director Ravi Matthai and his systems cultivating accountability and autonomy.

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What are some IIM Bangalore interview questions?

Palak Raina Posted On : November 21st, 2022
Founder, School Bag

The interview panel generally consists of three to four interviewers. They are curious to ask about your qualifications, knowledge, awareness, work experience, job profile, and the confidence you hold and observe you deeply. 

They are keen to know about your skills, the knowledge you possess regarding the facts as well as the latest news and updates about your company. They do not ask questions beyond these aspects. For them, every question is a way to know how much depth your understanding is and how well you can communicate in an understandable manner. Mostly, their questions are basic yet essential, sometimes in a tricky way to analyze the students.

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How should one get summer internship at IIM Bangalore?

Siddhant Mishra Posted On : August 6th, 2022
IPM from Indian Institute of Management Indore (2022)

You can intern under a professor of IIM Bangalore or at the NS Raghavan Entrepreneurship Cell (NSRCEL). NSRCEL offers great real-time internship opportunities. You can reach out to the faculties of IIMB or the mentors of NSRCEL. 

If you are interested in a research internship, go through the ongoing research projects, and if any particular project piques your interest, reach out to the professor. Explain your interests and send over your resume and a cover letter. You will be accepted for the internship if they think you are a good fit for the internship.

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