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Which course should I choose between IIML ABM, SPJAIN IM and IIM Shillong PGP?

Himank Agarwal Posted On : January 16th, 2023
Knows about CAT and MBA in general. CAT'21 99.6

No matter which B School you choose, PGP is always a better choice than ABM. But there might be a specific reason why you got an ABM offer rather than a PGP. But at IIM Lucknow, students of both programs are offered equal opportunities. These include final placements. summer placements and subsequent PPOs. 

The major drawback of ABM is that you are deprived of the PGP electives and can cover ABM electives only. These electives cover strategy marketing and operations. 

Talking about your offer from SP JAIN for IM, let me tell you that in this regard, IIM Shillong is a much better choice. Its campus in Dubai is a testament to its worth.

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Should I join the PGP of IIM Shillong?

Vishad Misra Posted On : January 16th, 2023
IIM Calcutta, 2016-2018

Asking others if you should join a certain program is illogical. I think it’s a decision that you have to take solely yourself. People can guide you in your decision but cannot make the decision on your behalf. That is exactly what I am here for. I will list down the parameters you should consider while making your decision. The rest is up to you.

  • Try looking at other available options at hand. Comparing your options is a good way to decide on your B School.
  • Ask yourself if you are confident enough to drop a year and attempt for CAT again just to try your shot at a better B School.
  • Check whether the domain specialization of IIM, the companies that visit the campus and the roles they offer are in line with your career interests.

Once you are sure about these things, making a good decision will become easier for you.

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Why should I choose IIM Shillong over newer IIMs?

Abhinab Bose Posted On : January 16th, 2023
IIM Shillong PGP 14-16

There isn’t any valid reason for choosing IIM Shillong over the newer IIMs. This is because their establishment time is pretty much the same and not much can be compared. Rather than comparing, I can list down some points as to why you should choose IIM Shillong 

  • Despite its location disadvantage, it offers pretty good placement opportunities.
  • The faculty here is also top-notch
  • The peer group is diverse and very talented

The alumni base however is very small obviously because it’s a new IIM. I don’t see why you should go for IIM Shillong and not any other second-generation IIM. But if you compare it to the baby IIMs that have been recently established, it’s definitely a better choice 

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Are there any foreign exchange student programs available at IIM Shillong?

Rohit Agarwal Posted On : January 16th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Shillong

No, there aren’t any foreign exchange programs available at IIM Shillong. It’s a relatively new IIM and lacks in this aspect.

However, the PGPEx-MBIC program is a joint program between IIM Shillong and the Ocean University of China. Under this program, the students from IIM Shillong go to OUC, China for a period of 4 months. This is part of the international immersion, which also includes a 2-month internship in China. The course is open to foreign nationals as well.

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Is IIM tag really important in the long run? I have a call from NITIE (PGDIM), IIM Shillong and MDI (HR and IB, PGDM is a little waitlisted). What should be my order of preference?

Sandeep Goyal Posted On : January 16th, 2023
, PGDM Marketing & Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2018)

Let me strike off IIM Shillong from your list of preferences. This is because no matter how well it is doing, it can never compare to the older IIMs and the recruiting companies know that very well. Now let’s look at the other two options.

NITIE: This option is a feasible one only if you are interested in Operations. I won’t suggest it for any other domain.

MDI Gurgaon: From the alumni base to location advantage, this B School has it all. Now that you have chosen your college, let’s discuss the domain you will be choosing. I will suggest you go for HR only if you are seriously passionate about it. If you are confused between HR and Operations, the best option is the IM course. The PGP-IM of MDI, Gurgaon is the best International management course in India. Its USP is its generic nature making it possible for you to start your career in any domain like marketing, finance, Consulting, or product management.

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Should I join IIM Shillong? How good is it compared to other older IIMs, especially for finance?

Kedar Nath Posted On : January 16th, 2023
PGDM from Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2019)

You are asking whether you should take it or not so I will assume that you are planning to take a drop year otherwise. However, preparing and attempting CAT again is not a cakewalk. It requires a lot of determination and motivation and still does not guarantee that you will get a call from an old IIM.

IIM Shillong is rather a good choice for finance. You can contact some of its alumni to get more information on the same. Since your profile is good, Indore is also a good option for you. 

But if you are adamant about joining the old IIMs, then focus on one single goal. Getting maximum percentile in CAT. Start preparing as soon as you decide to drop the year. Anything above 99.7 will guarantee you a call from one of the older IIMs. I have seen many people attempt CAT 3-4 times just to get into their choice of IIMs. 

It all comes down to your determination. Like I said, dropping a year requires a lot of determination, so choose this path wisely. Else consider the various other options you have.

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How strong is the brand of 'IIM Shillong'?

Sanchari Das Posted On : January 16th, 2023
PGDM Marketing & Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2018)

IIM Shillong's brand value can be determined through these aspects.

  • Placements: IIM Shillong has seen a gradual rise in the placement figures. This year the institute witnessed a 100% placement percentage with an increase of 72.56% in the Highest CTC to INR 55.22 LPA whereas the average CTC increased by 20.50% which stood at INR 23.10 LPA.
  • Competitions: The tremendous growth of the institute can be attributed to the various National Level competitions it has won so far. These competitions were conducted by companies like Yes Bank, Loreal, CFA institute, and other B Schools and also competed against IIM Shillong.
  • Crowd: The crowd at IIM Shillong has a diverse academic background ranging from IITs, and NITs, to LSR, SRCC, and even St. Stephen’s. Many State level cricketers and badminton players also make it to IIM Shillong owing to their high CAT percentile. However, the majority of the crowd is engineers.
  • Association: Many important personalities including Union Ministers have visited the campus for conducting talks and convocations. Also, the Late APJ Abdul Kalam was strongly associated with IIM Shillong.

I think these points are more than enough to give an insight into IIM Shillong's brand name.

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Which IIM is better: IIM Shillong, IIM Udaipur, or IIM Trichy?

Kishley Sharma Posted On : January 16th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Shillong

I don’t see why people keep comparing the older IIMs to newer ones. No matter how good a new IIM is doing, it can never compare to an older established IIM. The same is the case here. IIM Trichy and IIM Udaipur are indeed growing at an excellent rate, but IIM Shillong still is the winner of the race. This is because of its early establishment and being a member of the top IIMs family BLACKIS. That in itself is an accomplishment that the new IIMs have failed to achieve.

IIM Shillong is the 7th IIM and is among the top B Schools in India. Ever since its establishment, it has been growing at a tremendous pace and its placements are a testament to that. The brand value it enjoys because of being a part of BLACKIS is much more than any new IIM. This brand value helps you in the long run.

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Should I join IIM Shillong or IIFT Kolkata?

Zakir Zafar Posted On : January 16th, 2023
MBA in Master of Business Administration Degrees, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (Graduated 2019)

Both colleges are worth considering for a good career. Since its establishment in 2006, IIFT Kolkata has been climbing the ladder to success. The excellent performance in corporate competitions is a testimony to that. IIM Shillong is among the fastest-growing new IIMs and its alums are making a name in the industry.

We usually judge a college's worth based on factors like Alumni network, teaching pedagogy, corporate competition wins, etc. Yet, here I am going to simply make a domain-wise comparison. This is because when choosing a college focus should not be on the college but on your own interests. Identifying the domain you want to enter is necessary only then you can choose a college that excels in that respective domain.

  • Marketing: Many Marketing firms visit only IIFT and not IIM Shillong giving it an advantage in this aspect.
  • Finance: Finance is better at IIFT as the hotshots like Goldman Sachs only visit IIFT.
  • Operations: Both the B Schools excel in this domain.
  • Trade: Without any doubt, IIFT is the hub of Trade.
  • Consulting: Consulting is better at IIFT because top firms like GEP, and CEB visit its campus only.
  • IT: Both the B Schools are visited by top firms like Google. 
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How good is IIM Shillong for Finance?

Abhishek Rana Posted On : January 16th, 2023
PGDM General Management, Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2018)

If you are planning to enter the Finance domain, IIM Shillong is a good choice. It has a certain level of specialization in the domain. This can be proved through the following points

Faculty: IIM Shillong boasts of a highly experienced and learned faculty. 

Growth: Despite it being a new IIM, it has established its position in the IIM family. It has been growing at a fast pace making it possible for big firms to visit the campus for recruitment.

Curriculum: The curriculum is very flexible and you are allowed to choose electives from a wide range. Also, the courses are at par with the changing industry.

Achievements: The worth of IIM Shillong can be proved through the various National Level competitions it has won so far. From Top Corporates like Nomura, HSBC etc, or from academia like GIRC and various B-schools competitions as well.

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