UPSEE 2020: Round 5 Allotment Result (Out); Round 6 Registration till Dec 3; Check Here

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow has declared the UPSEE 2020: Round 5 (Special Round) Seat Allotment on November 30, 2020.

Candidates who registered for Round-5 (Special) counselling of UPSEE 2020 can check their seat allotment at the official website: Candidates have to login to their official portal to check their allotted seats. 

Meanwhile, AKTU has also begun Round-6 counselling Registration and the process is scheduled to end on December 3, 2020.

Check UPSEE 2020 seat allotment direct links, counselling registration details, participating colleges, latest updates below. 

Check: AKTU Admission 2020: UG, PG, Fees, Cutoff, Eligibility, Selection

UPSEE 2020: How to Check Round 5 Seat Allotment?

Follow the steps mentioned below to check UPSEE 2020 Round-5 Seat Allotment:

  1. Visit the official website:
  2. Click the ‘Special Round Seat Allotment’ link.
  3. Enter roll number, password and security code
  4. Click on “Login”
  5. Check the seat allotment status.

Direct Link: UPSEE 2020 Round 5 Seat Allotment 

Candidates allotted seats through Round-5 have to report to assigned colleges on 2-3 December 2020 for document verification and confirmation of admission. 

UPSEE Counselling 2020: How to Register for Round-6?

Follow the instructions mentioned below to register for round-6 of UPSEE Counselling 2020:

  1. Visit UPSEE 2020 official website:
  2. Click the ‘Counselling Registration round 6’ link.
  3. Login with UPSEE roll number and password and security code, click the login button
  4. UPSEE registration page will be displayed
  5. Provide details and upload required documents (as per specified format)
  6. Fill and lock choices of courses and colleges.

Check: UPSEE 2020 Seat Allotment, Registration (Round 6), Counselling, Choice Filling, Document Verification

UPSEE Counselling 2020: Round-6 Important Dates

Event Date
Registration, display total seats and online filling of choices December 1, 2020 to December 3, 2020
Document Verification December 1, 2020 to December 3, 2020
Online Choice Locking & Payment of Rs 20000 December 1, 2020 to December 4, 2020 (10 AM)
Seat Allotment December 5, 2020

Check: UPSEE 2020 Participating Colleges
