UP B.Ed JEE 2020: Students Agitated as State Decides to conduct exam on August 09

Student leaders from Allahabad University opposed the decision of the state government to hold the Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Joint Entrance Exam 2020 on August 9, 2020.

Admit card for the entrance exam was posted on the official website of Lucknow University, after which the student leaders protested in the Union Hall of the University.

According to sources, AICC Vice-President Priyanka Gandhi also shared her opinion on the conduct of the UP B.Ed JEE 2020.

She stated that the B.Ed Entrance Exams are scheduled to take place on August 9, 2020, while the cases of COVID-19 in the state are on the increase.

Cases of infections from various educational institutions have also been noted and, under these circumstances, it is not necessary to carry out safety risk tests for 4.5 lakh students.

He advised the government to reconsider the timetable of the entrance exams, bearing in mind the current state situation.

Direct Link to download UP B.Ed JEE 2020 Admit Card

Student leaders of the National Student Union of India organized demonstrations under the leadership of former AUSU Vice-President Akhilesh Yadhav against the conduct of the Pandemic Examination in India.

Throughout the demonstration, he said that, on the one hand, the cases of Corona are on a continuous rise and people are reluctant to leave their homes while there is a lot of anger among the students over the government, announcing the exams to be carried out on August 9, 2020.

The decision of the state government to carry out the exams is unfortunate and plays with the health of the students during the pandemic, he said.

Throughout the country, many of the national entrance exams are being conducted and are scheduled to take place given the fact that COVID-19 cases are on the rise in the different parts of the country.

The University Grants Commission has also released a new set of guidelines for colleges and universities to perform final semester examinations by the end of September 2020.

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