UGC Drafts Guidelines to Include Indian Knowledge Systems in UG, PG Courses; Check Details Here

UGC Drafts Guidelines to Include Indian Knowledge Systems in UG, PG Courses

New Delhi: University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a set of draft guidelines for integrating Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) in higher education curricula of UG and PG Courses. The draft guidelines are available on the UGC official website at

UGC has requested that institutions create programs in accordance with the regulations. The commission has also mandated that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) submit a few comments and their suggestions on the proposed guidelines by April 30, 2023.

Interested stakeholders and students can find the proposed Guidelines for Integrating Indian Knowledge System into Higher Education Curricula on the UGC’s website. Feedback and suggestions regarding the same can be shared via email to

According to the commission, the action will contribute to the preservation of India's legacy by incorporating it into academic curricula and courses. The officials said, "With its integration within current educational frameworks, India's Knowledge Systems have the potential to provide pertinent reflections to aspiring students to develop their leadership and problem-solving skills, charting a future course of action."

UGC’s Guidelines for IKS in UG courses

  • All students enrolled in the four-year UG courses should be encouraged to take enough IKS courses to guarantee that their cumulative credits earned account for at least 5% of the total credits needed. 
  • The optimal time for students to enroll in these courses is during the first four semesters of their UG degree (although any time is acceptable).
  • All students should enroll in a foundational Indian Knowledge System course, which is designed to give an overview of all IKS streams relevant to the UG degree.
  • To make it possible for students to successfully complete the necessary number of courses and credits in IKS, all teaching institutions ought to provide a wide range of elective IKS courses for students to select.
  • The option of choosing an internship or an apprenticeship in any of the courses or professions offered by IKS may be given to the students.
  • In the 7th or 8th semesters of the UG degree, students may be encouraged to select a relevant topic linked to IKS for their project work whenever possible.
  • UG medical students get access to a credit course on Indian medical systems throughout their first year of study.
  • This course will give them a "basic understanding of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy." 
  • Students have the option to enroll in a two-semester credit course in any Indian medical system's theory and application during their second year.
  • These provisions may be incorporated into the curriculum framework for the pertinent programs with the approval of the pertinent higher education institution authorities or the pertinent professional councils.

Guidelines for IKS Programmes at the PG Level

  • All students pursuing PG courses in arts, sciences or business discipline should enroll in a sufficient number of advanced credit courses in any of the subjects or disciplines covered by IKS that are relevant to their area of specialisation, with the goal of achieving a total of IKS credits that is at least 5% of the total number of credits required.
  • If an alternative exists and is in line with the requirements of the PG program, students may be permitted to choose to enroll in additional courses in disciplines or subjects that are a part of IKS.

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