TS PGECET 2020: Web Option Exercising for Round 1 Counselling Commences Today; Check Details Here

Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has commenced the online option exercising process for round 1 TS PGECET 2020 Counselling on December 8 on its official website - @pgecetadm.tsche.ac.in.

Candidates can log in to the official website with their hall ticket number and TS PGECET 2020 rank in order to exercise the option. The web option window will be available till December 9, 2020 (5 pm).

Under the Convener Quota, a total of 8,040 seats were available for admission for the academic year 2020 - 2021. After the completion of the document verification process of round 1 TS PGECET 2020 Counselling, 7,774 candidates were eligible for the web option exercising process.

Also Read: TS PGECET 2020 Counselling 

TS PGECET 2020: How To Exercise the Web Option?

Candidates could check the following section to check how to fill the web options process in the TS PGECET 2020 Counselling process/

Step 1: Visit TS PGECET official website - @pgecet.tsche.ac.in

Step 2: Click on the “TS PGECET Admission Open” Link.

Step 3: Click on the “Exercise TS PGECET Web Options” link on the home page.

Step 4: Fill in the required details such as hall ticket number, TS PGECET Registration number, TS PGECET rank, mobile number, and email ID.

Step 5: Submit and log in to the web option window

Step 6: Click on the  “Web Option” and select the desired college, course, course code, and district.

Step 7: Lock the option and submit the form.

TS PGECET 2020 first seat allotment result will be released on the official website on December 10, 2020. The seats were allotted to candidates based on the availability of seats and options chosen by candidates in the web option exercising process.

Candidates whose names appear on the seat allotment process of TS PGECET 2020 should report to the allotted institute to proceed further with the admission process from December 10 to 14, 2020.

The TSCHE authorities will notify about the Round 2 Counselling process of TS PGECET 2020 later.

Also Read: TS PGECET 2020 Participating Colleges
