TS LAWCET, PGLCET 2020: Result Declared @lawcet.tsche.ac.in; Check Details Here

Osmania University declared the TS LAWCET 2020/ TS PGLCET results on October 9 on its official website lawcet.tsche.ac.in. Candidates can check the results using the LAWCET ticket number and the password.

Osmania University conducted the TS LAWCET exam on 9 October 2020. Over 30,000 candidates registered for the exam out of which 21,559 candidates gave the exam. The outcome will provide information about the subject and overall score of the applicant, the place, and the certification status of the individual in the entry test. 

Also Read: Osmania University: Backlog Exams For Semesters 1 to 5 Postponed

TS LAWCET 2020: Steps to Check Result

Candidates can follow the below steps to check their result:

  • Visit the official website @lawcet.tsche.ac.in
  •  Insert ticket number and password 
  • The student can view TS LAWCET/TS PGLCET: result in pdf format on desktop.
  • Download the result and print it

To directly check the TS LAWCET 2020 result – Click here.

TS LAWCET 2020: Merit List Criteria 

Admission officials may issue category-wise merit lists to use in shortlisting therapy and seat selection applicants. Applicants with better scores will be ranked higher in the merit lists, given the marks earned by the applicant in TS LAWCET 2020/ TS PGLCET 2020.

 In this exam if two or more candidates achieve the same marks, the following sequence shall be used to determine their merit rank:

  • In Section C of the entrance, the person with higher examination marks is considered first.
  • In Part B of the entry, marks scored are given preference.

The senior candidates will continue to place higher if the tie still persists.

Read: Osmania University Releases Degree Examination Time Table 2020; Check Exam Schedule Here

TS LAWCET 2020: Qualifying Marks


Qualifying Percentage

Qualifying Marks



42 marks out of 120)


No minimum qualifying percentage specified

No minimum qualifying marks specified

The qualifications marks are a minimum score in their respective categories for the applicant to apply.

The admission body will shortly publish the guide of TS LAWCET 2020 / TS PGLCET 2020, which is completely free. For example, for the online consultation process, only those applicants who applied for the examination are invited. The nominee qualifying will receive letters of counselling.

TS LAWCET & PGLCET 2020: Toppers List

The following table shows the TS LAWCET and TS PGLCET 2020 toppers.



Marks Scored


Chundi Sneha Sree



Tadigoppula Pravalika


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