Tripura TJEE 2023 Application Correction Window Open; Last Date to Edit is February 24

Tripura TJEE 2023 Application Correction Window Open

New Delhi: The Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE) has opened the application correction window for Tripura Joint Entrance Examination (TJEE) 2023 through the online mode. Candidates will be able to make the requisite changes in Tripura JEE 2023 application form till February 24, 2023.

Candidates seeking to modify their application form will have to visit the official website, to make the necessary edits in the Tripura TJEE 2023 application form. The board will not accept applications after the deadline.

According to the TBJEE schedule, the TBJEE 2023 is scheduled to be held on April 25, 2023, in three shifts. Physics & Chemistry Exams will start from 11:00 am and end by 12:30 pm. On the other hand, the Biology exam will be conducted between 1:30 pm and 2:15 pm, whereas the Mathematics exam will begin at 2:45 pm & conclude at 3:30 pm.

The TJEE 2023 exam is being conducted to grant admission to engineering, veterinary, agriculture, fisheries, paramedical and other professional degree courses at colleges across Tripura.

Tripura JEE 2023: Important Dates 

Events Important dates
Last date to make corrections in TJEE form February 24, 2023
Tripura JEE admit card Second week of April 2023
TJEE exam date April 25, 2023
Model Answer key April 28, 2023
Last date of receiving feedback May 3, 2023 (by 5 PM)

Tripura TJEE 2023 Application Form: How To Make Corrections? 

To edit/rectify the TBJEE 2023 Application Form, candidates will need to submit a written application to TBJEE Office within the speculated date & time. Go through the following steps to make corrections in the TJEE 2023 Application form.

Step 1: Visit the official TJEEwebsite -

Step 2: Go to the homepage and click on the log in link for TBJEE.

Step 3: It will redirect you to a new window page.

Step 4: Next, enter your registration number and password.

Step 5: The TJEE application form will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Make the required changes, edit/correct the information and submit the form.

Tripura TJEE 2023 Application Correction: What After Window Closes?

Once the board deactivates the window for TJEE 2023 application correction, candidates will not be able to make any further changes. Based on the information added by the candidates, the Board will release the TJEE 2023 admit card in the second week of April 2023 in online mode just before the commencement of the exam. Only the registered candidates will be able to download it from the official website.

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