SSUHS B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam 2020-21: Admit Card Released On December 14: Check Here

Srimanta Sankardeva University of Health Science (SSUHS) Assam has released the admit card for the entrance exam of nursing 2020-21 on December 14, 2020.

The SSUHS B.Sc nursing entrance exam 2020-21 will be conducted to provide admission in various B.Sc nursing and D.Pharma courses for the 2020-21 academic session.

Candidates could download the admit card from the official website after being released by logging in with their application number and password

Also Read: SSUHS Admission 2020

SSUHS B.Sc. Nursing Admit Card 2020-21: Important Dates

Candidates should check important dates and events regarding the SSUHS Admit Card from the table below.

Events  Dates
Admit Card release date December 14, 2020
Entrance Exam Date December 20, 2020

SSUHS B.Sc. Nursing Admit Card 2020-21: Steps to Download 

Candidates should follow the steps given below to download the admit card.

Step 1 - Visit the official website of SSUHS -

Step 2 - Candidates will need to login into their dashboard with their application number and password

Step 3 - Take a printout of admit card

Step 4 - candidates should keep the admit card in A4 size and present it during the entrance exam.

Download Here: SSUHS B.Sc. Nursing Admit Card

The admit card will be available before one week of the exam and the following details will be mentioned in the admit card 

  • Name of the candidate 
  • Age, Sex and Address of the candidate 
  • Application Number
  • Roll Number
  • Exam Name and Date
  • Exam Conducting Body Name
  • Photo and Signature, 
  • Duration of exam and other Instructions.

Also Read: Srimanta Sankaradeva University Of Health Sciences: Courses Offered

SSUHS Nursing Admission 2020-21: Instructions for Covid 19

Candidates must follow below instructions 

  • Candidates should carry a transparent water bottle, 50ml hand sanitizer and a pair of hand gloves
  • Wear a mask and maintain social distancing. 
  • To minimize the chances of infection, avoid sharing belongings with others and avoid receiving others belongings.

SSUHS B.Sc Nursing 2020-21 - Exam Centers

SSUHS Nursing 2020-21 exams will be conducted at 6 cities 

  1. Guwahati
  2. Dibrugarh
  3. Wichar
  4. Jorhat
  5. Badlega
  6. Tezpur

SSUHS B.Sc Nursing 2020-21 Exam Pattern

The entrance exam will consist of objective type questions and students will be given 2 hours to complete each paper.

There will be three question papers for Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics. One mark will be awarded for every correct answer and there is no negative marking.

The following tabulation gives the time schedule for SSUHS B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam 2020-21

Paper No. Of Questions Subjects Timing
 1. 100 Physics and Chemistry 10 am to 12 noon
2.  50 Biology 1 pm to 2 pm
3.  50 Mathematics 3 pm to 4 pm

Also Read: SSUHS Affiliated Colleges 
