Rajasthan University Students Protest UGC Directive to Hold Examinations by September

Hundreds of students from Rajasthan University have been protesting the decision of the University Grants Commission to ask universities to give examinations.

Many students came out holding banners and placards in Rajasthan University on 9 July in protest. The government of Rajasthan had earlier asked universities to promote students without holding examinations, but the latest directive from UGC to hold university examinations by 30 September has left students baffled.

Rajasthan University

Ramesh Kumar Bhati, the spokesman for the state, said that the UGC ought to withdraw its decision. “Examinations for students should not be held during this Corona era,” he said.

A student said that they did not want examinations to be given during the pandemic, as it will be difficult, if not impossible to maintain social distancing norms. An associate professor of Rajasthan University said, “We can have this year as skip year as everyone has faced difficulties.”

Within the university, many are suggesting that the institute itself plan an alternate method of giving examinations rather than asking students to be physically present to take the examination.
