Pondicherry University decides to promote all final year students without exams

Pondicherry University has announced that it will be canceling all the final year examinations and will be promoting the students without having to appear for the final examinations.

The assessment of results at Pondicherry University will be evaluated on the basis of marks obtained by students in internals as well as the continuous internal assessments held throughout the semester. 

 According to the official notification, existing criteria and regulations are to be followed for award of internal marks and all formalities for writing examinations like registration, payment of fees, minimum attendance is must for assessment within the prescribed time limit. 

The assessment will also be applicable for arrear papers that are held for all the final year students. Pondicherry University is canceling the examinations in order to maintain the norm of social distancing in order to prevent any transmission of the disease in the current scenario of the Covid19 Pandemic. The examinations were supposed to be held in the months of April-May

The university had released a notification on June 8 announcing that the students belonging to the lower semesters are to be promoted based on their marks in the internals and continuous internal assessments. This was followed by a number of final year student organizations such as SFI and NSUI staging protests in demand of the promotion of the final year students. 

To check the official notice from the university, Click Here.
