PGIMER, Chandigarh issues clarification notice on MD/MS 2020 exam date

The registrar of the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh has launched the public note regarding the legitimate affirmation at the date of MD/MS exam conduction.

Authorities have clarified that the entrance examination for MD/MS route may be held as consistent with time table on June 14, 2020, at 41 examination facilities with no change inside the date of exam.

Authorities should trouble the public note due to the chaos that took place after some news published regarding the revised date of entrance examination for admission to MD/MS path to June 21, 2020.
In order to facilitate smooth behavior of the exam and movement of applicants on the idea of admit cards issued to them Secretary of Health to Govt. Of India, the Ministry of Health has additionally contacted all the Chief Secretary of all of the states.

Official Clarification Notice

Aspirants can go through the reliable word of PGIMER, Chandigarh concerning the clarification on MD/MS exam conduction from below.

PGIMER Exam Day Guidelines

Aspirants can undergo the exam day pointers of the PGIMER entrance examination, which specially have been organized via looking after Coronavirus pandemic in mind.

As consistent with the tips of Govt. Of India concerning COVID-19, the Institute has taken all precautionary measures including arrangements of social distancing on the PGIMER exam centres.

It may be mandatory for the performing applicants to put on a mask overlaying mouth & nose and to download Aarogya Setu App in their mobiles.

To have health protection measures of all of the scientific graduates, provisions for thermal scanning, hand wash, and sanitizers are also made at all the centres of the examination.

Any applicants having signs of COVID-19 will not be accredited to appear inside the examination.

Candidates should reach the examination centre with the issued admit card.


For granting admission to 295 Master of Surgery (MS) and Doctor of Medicine (MD) seats PGIMER 2020 examination could be conducted. The entrance exam will contain a complete of 250 multiple-desire questions (MCQs) from MBBS curriculum, which need to be solved within 3 hours of the exam duration.
