OJEE 2023 Exam Dates Out, Exams from May 8; Check Schedule here

OJEE 2023 Exam Dates Out

New Delhi: The Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Board (OJEEB) has released the OJEE 2023 exam dates on its official website @odishajee.com. According to the OJEE 2023 exam schedule, the exam will be conducted from May 8 to May 12, 2023.

Candidates who have registered or are planning to register for the OJEE 2023 exam can visit the OJEE website @odishajee.com and check the exam schedule.

As per the official OJEE 2023 schedule, the OJEE 2023 admit card will be issued on April 20, 2023 onwards for the successfully registered candidates. The board will conduct the OJEE 2023 exam for admission into BPharm, MCA, MSc (Comp Science), MBA, Integrated MBA, BCAT, MTech, MTech ( part-Time ), M Arch, M PLan, M Pharm, lateral entry to B Pharm and B Tech programs.

The OJEE official notice states that the Date, Shift and Centre details will be indicated on the OJEE Admit Cards, which can be downloaded from OJEE website from April 20, 2023 onwards. Earlier, the OJEE began the OJEE 2023 registration process from February 10. Aspiring candidates can submit the online application form through the official portal till March 20, 2023.

OJEE 2023: Important Dates 

Events Dates
Start date of OJEE application form February 10, 2023
Last date to fill OJEE 2023 application form March 20, 2023
Admit Card Release Date April 20, 2023
OJEE exam dates May 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (with May 15, 2023 as reserve day)
Declaration of Result 1st week of June

The OJEE 2023 will be conducted through the CBT (Computer Based Test) mode, and will consist of MCQ based questions. Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer, whereas one mark would be deducted for every incorrect answer

OJEE 2023: How to Apply?

Candidates can go through the following steps for OJEE 2023 registration.

Step 1: Go to the official application portal of OJEE @odishajee.com.

Step 2: On the homepage, Navigate to the registration page and register yourself after filling the required details, such as Mobile number, Email Id etc. Step 3: Now, login with your registration credentials and fill all details in the NEST 2023 Application form.

Step 4: Pay the requisite application fee, check and submit the Application form.

Step 5: Finally, take a print out of the form for all your future needs.

The OJEE 2023 application fees for A, B, C, D group courses is INR 1000 and E group courses is INR 1500 and Special OJEE is INR 1000 (INR 500 for each additional course).

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