NIOS 2020 Board Result (Declared): Check at

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Neha Rani Associate Content Manager

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Results for NIOS senior secondary exams have been declared today i.e. August 5, 2020. Candidates can check the result on the official website- by entering their enrollment number. The dates to announce results have been decided as per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Marks in the subject for which no exams have been conducted will be allotted on the basis of marks in best three subject.

Direct link to check NIOS senior secondary result 2020

This year around 3.5 lakh students from all over the country registered for this open schooling system, many of whom are children with disabilities. Pass percentage of candidates appearing for NIOS board exams are also quite low (between 30 - 40%). Results are generally declared in the month of June every year. In 2020 however, it will be delayed due to the exams which have been postponed by the authorities numerous times. 

  • NIOS exams along with other board exams such as CBSE were postponed on March 18, 2020 to March 31 as declared by the government. 
  • On March 31, 2020 NIOS exams were again postponed due to the lockdown for three more weeks. 
  • Theory exams were initially scheduled to be conducted between March 24 to March 31, 2020 were postponed. 
  • The practical exams for 10th and 12th standard which was initially scheduled to be conducted between July 02 to July 10, 2020 has now been postponed. 
  • Exams have been rescheduled by the government. For both NIOS secondary and senior secondary board, exams will start on July 17, 2020 (Tuesday).
  • Students who feel their papers have been wrongly checked can apply for revaluation after declaration of results by paring the required fee. 

Also Read: NIOS Students Urge Authorities to cancel NIOS Exams 2020

NIOS Important Dates for 2020 Result Declaration

Though NIOS has not mentioned the exact dates for the declaration of results online. But it has provided the tentative dates for the declaration of results of class 10th and class 12th.

Name of the Exam Exam Date Result Date (Tentative)
NIOS Class 10th Board Exam March-April August 7, 2020 
NIOS Class 12th Board Exam March-April August 7, 2020

Other Important Dates:

Events Class 10 Class 12
Practical exam started  March 11, 2020` March 11, 2020
Practical exam continued till March 18, 2020 March 18, 2020
Exams scheduled from July 17, 2020 July 17, 2020
Exams to end on  August 19, 2020 August 18, 2020

How to Check NIOS 2020 Result?

Here’s a complete guide to check the NIOS results:

  1. Visit the official website of NIOS i.e.

  2. Click on ‘check result’ flashing below at ‘public examination result senior secondary’

  3. Enter enrollment number and security pin

  4. Click on “Submit”.

  5. The result will be displayed on the screen

  6. Save and print the result for all future reference

Details on NIOS 2020 Result

Candidates will find the following details mentioned on their result:

  • Candidates’ name
  • Candidates’ date of birth
  • Enrollment number
  • Course or level (secondary/senior secondary)
  • Examination date (month and year)
  • Father’s name 
  • Mother’s name
  • Pass status
  • Total marks 
  • Marks in each paper (theory and practical)

Abbreviations Used in NIOS Result

Students must familiarise themselves with the abbreviations used in their NIOS result to know the status of their qualification:

  1. P - Passed

  2. AB - Absent

  3. SYC - Subject Yet to be Cleared

  4. SYCT - Subject Yet to be Cleared on Theory

  5. SYCP - Subject Yet to be Cleared in Practical

  6. TMA - Tutor Marked Assignments

Pass percentage for NIOS board exams is 33% for both theory and practical exams. 

NIOS 2020 Revaluation

Candidates who appeared for secondary or senior secondary examinations can apply for revaluation after 15 days from the day of result declaration. 

  • The verification will be restricted to simply checking if all answers have been checked, no mistake has been made while calculating total marks, and weather supplementary answer papers are intact. 
  • Candidates must pay a fee of INR 300 (not refundable) for each subject they would like to get rechecked. Payment can be made via net banking or credit/debit card. 
  • Under no circumstances will any candidate be given access to their answer scripts or other documents for inspection. 
  • Marks can go up or down after verification. Any communication regarding revision of marks if necessary will be sent to the candidate within a reasonable time limit. 

Note: Revaluation of answer scripts is available for senior secondary examination candidates only. 

How to apply for re-checking and re-evaluation?

After the result declaration, the NIOS opens the portal for re-evaluation and re-checking. You can do the following:

  1. Go to the official website of NIOS.

  2. Look for the “Revaluation or Rechecking” option in the tab.

  3. Fill all the details by clicking on the link.

  4. Provide all the credentials and proceed to pay fees. (NIOS charges a certain amount of fee for re-checking and re-evaluation of the answer sheet).

  5. After the successful payment, your application for revaluation or rechecking has been submitted for further processes.

  6. You have to wait for some time to know the results of revaluation and rechecking.

NIOS Supplementary Examination

After the declaration of regular results, those who fail to meet the passing criteria are required to give the supplementary examination. 

  • The dates for supplementary examinations are provided within two- to three days of result declaration.
  • A candidate has to apply for the supplementary examination through the official website by paying a specific amount of fees depending upon the number of subjects for the supplementary examination.
  • After the successful completion of payment, the date for the supplementary examination is provided.
  • The tentative date for supplementary examinations is in the mid of June.

What after the result of NIOS?

Once you get the result of your respective class. You can print the online mark sheet if you want to keep it, otherwise, NIOS issues the official mark sheet for every candidate.

The individual has to go to the respective school from where they have applied to get their character certificate, migration certificate. Students have to collect their mark sheets from their respective institutes.

NIOS Result Analysis

There were many doubts of the students regarding the strictness in checking and evaluation of answer sheets. Let us provide you with a brief insight into previous years’ results.

  • Every year there are more than 5,000 students take exams for class 10th Boards. 
  • The average passing percentage at NIOS is reported to be 66.4% that includes the 66% girls and boys passing every year.
  • On the other hand, 4000 students take exams for class 12th with an 85.4% passing percentage including 86% boys and girls as passing percentage.
  • The students have to acquire a minimum of 33% to pass the examination. It includes passing separately in theory and practical examinations.

NIOS Previous Year Result

Exam Session 10th Class Stats 12th Class Stats
Number of Students Appeared Passed Number of Students Appeared Passed
April 2019 Around 1.7 lakh 34.42% Around 1.8 lakh -
October 2018 118805 39.25 174352 31.78
April 2018 174365 34.42 181696 38.54
October 2017 105729 31.86 127791 36.37
April 2017 135234 38.89 175528 39.61
October 2016 116162 38.04 146902 31.27

NIOS Board Toppers

Every year there is only one topper of the NIOS Board. NIOS publishes the name of the topper on its official website. To check the NIOS Board topper you have to visit the official website.

The Final Note

Exams are a part of life. So, don’t be afraid of results. If you did better then you got better.

All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. What are the rescheduled dates for NIOS class 10 exam?

Ans. Rescheduled dates for NIOS class 10 exam is July 17, 2020 to August 19, 2020.

Ques. What are the rescheduled dates for NIOS class 12 exam?

Ans. Rescheduled dates for NIOS class 10 exam is July 17, 2020 to August 18, 2020.

Ques. When does NIOS rechecking start?

Ans. Candidates who are not satisfied with their results can apply for rechecking after 15 days from the date of result declaration. 

Ques. What is the revaluation fee for NIOS rechecking/revaluation?

Ans. The Revaluation/ rechecking fee for NIOS is INR 300 for each subject. 

Ques. When will NIOS Board 2020 results be declared?

Ans. NIOS board results will be declared in September, 2020. 

Ques. What is the pass percentage for NIOS board exam?

Ans. Pass percentage for NIOS board exams is 33% for both theory and practical exams. 

Ques. What is the pass percentage for NIOS students?

Ans. Pass percentage for NIOS students always vary between 30 to 40% every year. 

Ques. How can I check my NIOS result?

Ans. Candidates can check their NIOS results by visiting the official website, clicking on the result link, and entering the enrollment number.