National Conference on Varying Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights to be held by The NorthCap University

With the exponential growth of the Intellectual Property industry over the last five years , the field has now become an aspiring field for law graduates.

India tends to be a center of technology and R&D that is nothing but the creation of intellectual property.

The Intellectual Property Rights industry provides a boost to careers, remunerative jobs, international exposure and partnerships with large companies.

In line with current market needs, this sector provides a broad horizon of recession-proof job opportunities with complete certainty.

At the same time, the generation of Intellectual Property takes place largely in universities or academies.

Valuable IPs at academies can easily be generated from such research by further modeling them in order to have industrial applicability.

But even after the researcher's funding and hardships, the invention or the conclusion of his work is in vain.

The reason for this is the lack of an ecosystem that can permanently direct the researchers' minds towards creating as many IPs as possible from their work.

NorthCap University has started evolving different IP strategies, policies and ecosystems in terms of effective facilitating services to students and faculties.

In this context, the NorthCap University IPR Cell is organizing a National Conference on the Varying Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in collaboration with 'Intellectual Property, India.'

The conference aims to bring together academics, scholars, students, practitioners to celebrate the committed scholarship and reflective learning that is taking place at our University. The objectives of the conference are as follows:

  • To provide a platform to diagnose innovation and research on contemporary issues of national and international relevance leading to the creation of IPR.
  • Developing an attitude of prudent management practices and promoting an IPR culture.
  • To train about the mechanism of accessing and using IP information for further research and development in developing new products and processes and for their use in business development

Apart from the main topic, the Conference will put strain on the following topics too:

  • SEPs & FRAND Licensing- an emerging trend
  • Data Exclusivity of TRIPS Agreement
  • Conceptual Issues in Patenting of life forms
  • Originality under Copyrights Law
  • Digital Technology & Copyright issues
  • Protection of Trade Dress
  • Geographical Indication and Traditional knowledge
  • Academic Research and Copyright issues
  • Copyright and Entertainment Industry
  • Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers right
  • Designs and Trade Secrets
  • Competition Law and IPR
  • IPR and Management
  • IPR and Pharmaceuticals
  • Emerging Concerns in IPR Regime
  • Internet-related issues on IPR
  • Problems and Encounters in filing application for Copyright, Trademark, Patent & other IPR
  • IPR Dispute Settlement and WTO
  • Software protection: International instruments & trends

However, in today’s century, ‘Gen-Y’ is considered the key person for laying down a future roadmap for creating, nurturing, building and strengthening creativity and innovation.

For them, this conference will be an opportunity to engage in academic dialogue with peers and the faculty.

Deviating from merely adhering to an austere legal scholarship, the conference intends to be interdisciplinary – hence presenting an opportunity to all to explore how other disciplines conduct research to create new knowledge and understanding about the dimension of IP, thereby inspiring the next generation of scholars.

The Key Motive of the Conference

  • It will help participants in understanding how a property can be created by a human mind and how such kind of property will give him recognition and what steps the government has taken for its protection.
  • It will help participants in understanding the technicalities involved between pirated and original products and thereby restrain counterfeiting of the products in our society.
  • Having a fair knowledge and idea about IPR motivates participants to own their own startups which ultimately improves the situation of unemployment.
  • Enhanced IPR awareness amongst the citizens including the students would result in an increased IP portfolio of the country and this would mean an increase in the IP’s generated domestically, increased competitiveness of the Indian industry both domestically and globally as well as economic growth.
  • Focus on enhancing access to healthcare, food security and environmental protection, among others. Having a fair knowledge about IPR, any infringement in these sectors could be brought in the notice of the competent authorities, by the students.

This Conference is intended to benefit the participants on an emerging area of IPR, to understand the technicalities involved and the transformation of innovations into proprietary assets. We look forward to participation from all over India.
