NATA 2020 Admit Card Released, Download@; Check COVID-19 Guidelines

As per the latest update, Council of Architecture (CoA) has released the NATA Admit Card on August 25, 2020. Earlier, the NATA 2020 Admit Card was to be released on August 24, 2020. However, there was a delay. Successfully registered candidates can download their NATA Admit Card for the first session through the official website using their registered email address and password. 

This year, the  NATA 2020  entrance examination has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. However, with the unlock guidelines in the country, the authorities have decided to conduct the NATA 2020 exam on August 29, 2020 for the first phase. 

Steps to Download NATA 2020 Admit Card

Step 1: Visit the official website of NATA i.e. 
Step 2: Click on the “Download Admit Card for NATA 2020” link.
Step 3: Login by using NATA Application No. and Password.
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download and take printouts for future reference.

Students can also download their NATA Admit Card through the Direct Link. To download NATA 2020 Admit Card Click Here.

NATA 2020: Option for online Home Proctored & Computer Based Test

NATA 2020 will be conducted as both online Home Proctored test & Computer Based Test at the exam centers. Previously, authorities had provided an option for the students to choose their mode of examination. Those who have opted for computer-based tests and will be appearing at the exam centers will have to follow certain COVID-19 related guidelines. Check  NATA 2020 Exam Centers

Important Dates of NATA 2020

CoA had released the official notification of NATA 2020 on February 1, 2020. The official dates of other important events related to the exam are tabulated below:

Events Dates (Phase I)
Last Date to Register August 16, 2020 (Till 11:59 PM)
Form Correction Window (Already registered candidates) July 25 to August 16, 2020
Availability of NATA Admit Card August 25, 2020
Date and Time of Examination August 29, 2020  (10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30 pm to 2:30 p.m.)
Declaration of NATA Result

September 03, 2020

NATA 2020: COVID-19 Guidelines

CoA has released detailed guidelines and SOPs for conduct of NATA 2020 alongside the admit card. Pre-exam instructions and instructions to be followed during the exam have been released. 

The Standard Operating Procedures released by COA for NATA 2020 are: 

  • Students are required to provide their NATA admit cards at the center along with a valid ID proof.
  • All NATA exam centers will be sprayed with disinfectants. The entry gate, exam room, staff room, etc. will be provided with sanitizers along with liquid hand wash. 
  • At the entry point, staff and candidates will have to pass through thermal checking.
  • All functionaries involved in the conduct of the exam are required to wear gloves and masks. It is mandatory for students to wear gloves and masks. 
  • The exam center would be sanitized after every session.
  • A self-declaration form regarding the health status will be required by all the staff personnel. 
  • In case someone fails to meet the self-declaration criteria or thermo gun check, he/she will have to leave the exam center immediately.
  • To maintain social distancing, proper signs, symbols, and posters must be used to display directions and instructions.
  • All students and staff will be required to download the ‘Arogya Setu’ app.
  • Staff must make sure that there is no crowding at the entry and exit points. 
  • Before signing the Attendance Sheet, students must sanitize their hands before and after signing.
  • Candidates with symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, etc. will be made to sit in a separate room.
  • A minimum distance of 2 meters is to be maintained between two candidates during seating.
  • To dispose of used gloves and masks only a pedal push covered bin is to be used. Authorities at the exam center must make sure that there are pedal push covered bins at the center and outside the examination room/ hall. 

Pre-Exam Instructions for NATA 2020 Online Home-based Test

For students who have opted for online home based NATA 2020 are required to follow the following instructions provided through the NATA admit card:

  • Students can access the password for examination
  • Students will have to attempt the exam from their place of residence only.
  • All candidates are required to report online 30 minutes before the start of the exam so that procedures such as identity verification and system security check can be done.
  • To avoid any technical delay or issue, the same system that was used for the mock test should be used for the exam.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to attempt the exam after 10:15 a.m.
  • The exam proctor must be shown an original valid photo ID proof.
  • All candidates must carefully read the instructions on the screen.

During Exam Instructions for NATA 2020 Online Home based Test 

Candidates must follow the following instructions during home-based NATA 2020 test:

  • For the exam, students must login using their User ID & password and check their name on the left-hand corner.
  • Before the scheduled time of conclusion, no students will be allowed to disconnect/ leave the examination.
  • In case a candidate’s system crashes, the same process has to be followed. After 10 minutes of delay, candidates will not be allowed to re-enter the exam.
  • Any malpractice will lead to disqualification of the candidate. Malpractices that can lead to disqualification include:
    • Any pre-closure or disconnection of audio or video during the test
    • Disconnection of internet or examination
    • Movement away from the screen for any reason whatsoever
    • Suspicious movement or audio capture
    • Use of calculators, mobiles or Bluetooth during the exam

Also Read: Preparation Tips for NATA 2020
