Mumbai University Admission 2020 Second Merit List (Released): St. Xavier's College, KC College, HR College 2nd Merit List, Check Here

As per the official notification released earlier, Mumbai University affiliated colleges have started releasing the 2nd Merit List for MU Admission 2020.

Candidates can check the Mumbai University 2nd Merit List 2020 from the MU official website, ( as well as from the official websites of the respective MU colleges.

The Second Merit for admission to degree colleges affiliated to MU will be declared by 7 pm today, i.e. on August 11. Aspirants are required to visit the respective colleges to get the cut off scores.

As per the recent updates KC College, Ramnarain Ruia College, HR College, St. Xavier’s College, DG Ruparel College, KGU College, PTVA Sathaye CollegeSIES College, K.J Somaiya College and Wilson College have released the MU 2nd Merit List 2020.

Due to the current crisis of COVID-19, the MU Admission 2020 was completely commenced through an online mode. 

After the release of the 2nd Merit List, candidates are required to complete the document verification process and need to pay the fee through online mode till 3 pm on August 17, 2020.

MU 2nd Merit List 2020 Latest Updates:

August 11, 2020

08:53 PM

Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai has now at last released the 2nd Merit List for the UG Admissions for Mumbai University. The institute has released the detailed merit list for F.Y.B.Sc. (Forensic Science) students. 

The official notice also states that 31% of 50 seats for Admission session 2020 was secured after the announcement of the 1st Merit List. 

Candidates can visit the official website to fetch the 2nd Merit List 2020.

Click Here to Check Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai 2nd merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

08:49 PM

Wilson College has now released the 2nd Merit List for the complete assortment of the UG courses offered by it. Candidates can check the 2nd Merit List 2020 from the official website of the college.

The College has delcared the 2nd Merit List for FY BA, FY BSc, FY BAMMC, FY BMS, FY BSc.IT, FY BAF courses. 

Candidates can now complete the document verification and fee payment procedure. Last date to complete the process is August 17 till 3:00 PM.

Click Here to Check Wilson College 2nd Merit List 2020.

August 11, 2020

08:33 PM

K.J.Somaiya College Of Arts And Commerce has now released the 2nd Merit List for MU Admission 2020 for external candidates at its official website.

The college has released 2nd Merit List for admission to F.Y.B.A/F.Y.B.Com programmes.

Category wise Cut-off Marks for 2nd Merit List:



(% Marks)


(% marks)

Gujarati Minority _ 70.77- 60.38
Open & All other Reserved Category 87.80 - 82 88.15- 86.67
Govt. Others 73.20 - 68.15 57.40 - 49.38

Check: K.J.Somaiya College Of Arts And Commerce 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

07:53 PM

Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association's Sathaye College has now announced the 2nd merit List for MU Admission 2020. 

The College has released 2nd Merit List for FY BSc IT, FY BSc, FY BMS, FY BA MMC, FY BCom and FY BA Courses, candidates can visit the official website to check the Merit List and cut offs for the respective courses.

Last date to complete the document verification for MU Admission 2020 is 17 August till 3:00PM.

Check: Sathaye College 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

07:37 PM

DG Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce has now released the 2nd Merit List for Mumbai Univeristy UG Admission 2020.

The College has released the cut-off marks for FY BA, FY BCom, FY BSc (IT), FY BSc (Computer Science) and FY BMS courses. 

Candidates can check the cut offs for respective programs along with the names of the qualified students from the official website of the college.

Category wise cut off marks has been mentioned below:


Cut Off Marks

(Out of 650)

Open 572
SC 397
ST _

CheckDG Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

07:30 PM

St. Xavier’s College has released the 2nd Merit List for the MU Admission 2020. Candidates can view and download the merit list from the official website.

St. Xavier’s College has currently relased the 2nd Merit List only for FY B.COM 2020. The last date for document verification and fee payment is August 17.

Click Here for the St. Xavier’s College 2nd Merit List

August 11, 2020

06:53 PM

Konkan Gyanpeeth Uran College has now released the 2nd Merit List 2020 for the Mumbai University UG Admissions 2020. Cancidates can check the cut off and their respective result on the college official website.

The Merit List for KGUC will remain valid till 2 PM on August 17, after which the candidates will not be able to seek for Mumbai University Admission 2020.

Hence, candidates are advised to complete their admission procedure before August 17.

Check: KGUC 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

06:44 PM

Bhavan’s College has released the 2nd Merit List for Mumbai University UG Admission 2020.

Candidates can check the 2nd Merit List released for BA, B.Com and B.Sc courses on the official website of the college, (

Check: Bhavan’s College 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

06:32 PM

KC College 2nd Merit List 2020 has been released for UG Mumbai University Admission 2020.

As per the official notification made on the KC college website, the 2nd Merit Merit List has been announced for BA, BAF, BCOM, BBI, BSC-BIOTECHNOLOGY, BSC-IT, FTNMP, BSC CS, BMS, BFM, BSC and BMM Courses. 

Candidates who have applied to KC College UG Admission can now check their result by visiting the official website.

Click Here for the Direct Link to KC College 2nd Merit List 2020.

August 11, 2020

06:24 PM

HR College of Commerce and Economics has released the 2nd Merit List for Admission 2020. Candidates can check or download the merit list from the official website, (

HR College 2nd Merit List has been released for BBI, BFM, BMM, BAF, B.Com and B.Voc courses.

Check: HR College of Commerce and Economics Admission 2020

HR College 2nd Merit List Cut off 

Candidates can check the cut-off for the 2nd merit List here:


Cut Off

(in percentage)























Check: HR College 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

06:04 PM

Ramnarain Ruia College has also released the 2nd Merit List for MU Admission 2020. Candidates can visit the official website of the college to view the 2nd Merit List.

 Ramnarain Ruia College 2nd Merit List has been released for FY BA, B.Voc and B.Sc courses. 

Candidates can check the 2nd Merit List cut offs as shown below:



(in percentage)

FYBA English


FYBA (C&M) English







FYBA (C&M) Marathi




FYBSc (Biotech)


FYBSc (Computer Science)








Check: Ruia College 2nd Merit List 2020

August 11, 2020

03:53 PM

SIES College has released the 2nd Merit List for Mumbai University Admission 2020. Candidates can visit the official website to check the SIES 2nd Merit List 2020.

The college has released the 2nd merit list for the inhouse students who have submitted the valid documents and application form for admission to FYBCOM class.

Check: SIES College 2nd Merit List 2020

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