The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences has decided to conduct the MUHS final year examinations for 2020 from July 16 to 27. To check the timetable for the written and practical examinations on the official website of MUHS. The university has also uploaded the guidelines that are to be followed during the examinations.
On 6 June, Dr Ajit Pathak, the Examination Controller, said, “For the convenience of students and affiliated colleges, these examinations have been organized in a phased manner and at the colleges where the students have taken admissions. Students who are to take the MUHS final examinations for 2020 are advised to check the time table. Check Here
Pathak added that the MUHS is starting the final year examinations so that the students who graduate can start internships at different hospitals and start helping in the coronavirus cause.
The Vice-Chancellor of MUHS, according to reports, worked overtime with many stakeholders to prepare a blueprint after the university cancelled all health science examinations in May. He also coordinated with central medical councils on the problem.
On 4 June, the Governor of Mahrashtra had granted permission to conduct all undergraduate and postgraduate examinations of various courses of the MUHS.