Mizoram University: Undergraduate Semester Exams Postponed; Notice Released

The Mizoram University has postponed the Undergraduate examinations on the request of student bodies and Mizoram Principals’ Council.

Mizoram University

Mizoram University UG exams were scheduled for August 10, 2020. In the surge of increasing COVID-19 cases and lockdown imposed in certain areas, the university released an urgent notification, stating the postponement of examinations.

The notification reads that the examination for professional courses will not be held from August 10 to August 14, 2020 and are supposed to be held later on. However, there is no change in the conduct of MCA and BCA examinations and will take place as per scheduled from August 10 onwards.

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Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) and Mizo Students Union (MSU), two student bodies on August 9, 2020, appealed to Mizoram University to defer the UG examinations. Meanwhile, Mizoram Principal Council also wrote to the Mizoram University Examination Controller, asking them to rethink on holding the examination amid pandemic.

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In response to this, Mizoram University VC said that appearing for exams on August 10, 2020, will not be in the best interest of the students as there is a spike in COVID cases and lockdown being imposed in some localities of Aizawl.
