MIT Robotics Association to Organise ‘Dexbot’ on April 22 and 23; Check Details Here


New Delhi: Madras Institute of Technology robotics association ‘Mitra’ will be organising a robotics workshop,’ Dexbot’ on April 22-23, 2023.

MITRA, the Robotics Association of MIT Campus, Anna University, helps the students of the institute in gaining knowledge towards the design and development of robotics systems. It gives multidisciplinary exposure (Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Software) to the students on campus.

The aim of the association is to impart a flavour of interdisciplinary skills through real-time projects and interactive. The MITRA is committed to providing all department students of MIT with a new experience in developing technologies in addition to their syllabus.

The aim of the event, ‘Dexbot’ is to help individuals better acquaint themselves with emerging robotics technologies and navigate their career paths with confidence. The event symposium provides a framework for students to meet industry standards and gain practical experience in their field.

The following are the list of events being conducted in DEXBOT’23 to elevate the interest of the students in robotics:

  1. Line Follower:

This event is a twin of chess! A matter of blacks and whites! The objective of this contest is for a robot to follow a black line on a white background, without losing the line while navigating several turns on a race course. The robot has to complete the course in the shortest period of time while accurately tracking the line from start to finish wins.

  1. Maze Solver

This event requires the bot to process quickly and efficiently to solve the maze. Teams have to build an autonomous robot which can follow a path and keep track of directions while going through the maze. The bot has to analyse the path in the dry run and has to go through the maze from the starting point to the ending point in minimum possible time.

  1. Train It To Win It: 

This is an ML event where data analysing skills are required to take over the stage. In round 1, the participants are provided with a dataset and they are expected to answer the questions about the data using exploratory data analysis. In round 2, the participants are provided with another data set (training set only) and they are expected to come up with a predict function using the trained model. The model which predicts with the best accuracy on the test data set wins the competition.

  1. Robowar: 

The event is known to set the battleground on fire. The robots fight to take over the victor.

  1. All-Terrain: 

A bot which could travel through wet and dry roads, rock and sand, inclinations and declinations is expected to travel through the lap. The bot which tackles all the barriers and comes out with rage steals the show.

  1. Cad Design Challenge:

This is a mega event where each person will be given a draft with which one should design a 3D model of the component in SolidWorks. The results of one's work will be evaluated based on the conformity of the model to its issued draft, and the time required to complete the model priority taken in the above-specified order. Based on the results winner and runners will be announced.

Workshops to Be Organised

  1. FGPA: 

This workshop describes Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) that are used in the world of Digital Design. FPGAs are reconfigurable digital circuits that can be programmed to perform a wide variety of tasks, making them incredibly versatile in a range of industries from aerospace to telecommunications. In this workshop, we'll show you how to program FPGAs using Verilog and design interesting digital circuits that can be implemented on an FPGA development board. By the end of the workshop, the participant will become an FPGA whiz and ready to tackle more advanced digital system design!

  1. Arduino Workshop: 

Dive into the world of Arduino at our "Innovation with Arduino" workshop. From basics to advanced projects, the participant will gain hands-on experience through prototyping and coding. Learn Arduino fundamentals, a program using the Arduino IDE, and work with sensors, actuators, and communication protocols. Collaborate with fellow participants, receive guidance from instructors, and create your own innovative projects. Perfect for beginners and experienced makers, this workshop will equip you with the skills to become an Arduino enthusiast.

  1. Control System:

Dependency on robots in industries and for daily life activities has been increasing appreciably today. From home robots to articulated robots in industries, they are used commonly today. Control systems play an important role in the working of robots. This workshop gives a deep insight into what Control System is all about!

    4. Robotic Operating Systems:


ROS is used across numerous industries from agriculture to medical devices to vacuum cleaners but is spreading to include all kinds of automation and software-defined dynamic use cases. Gain in-depth knowledge of ROS in just a day.

  1. CV Workshop: 

Unlock the power of sight for machines! Join our Computer Vision Workshop and learn how to teach computers to see and interpret the world around them. From basic image processing to facial detection, this hands-on workshop will guide you through the latest techniques and tools in the exciting field of computer vision. Don't miss your chance to become a visionary in the world of CV!

  1. Reinforcement Learning 

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning concerned with how intelligent agents ought to take action in an environment in order to maximize the notion of cumulative reward. Reinforcement learning is one of three basic machine learning paradigms, alongside supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Reinforcement learning delivers decisions. By creating a simulation of an entire business or system, it becomes possible for an intelligent system to test new actions or approaches, change course when failures happen (or negative reinforcement) while building on successes (or positive reinforcement).

Small Events To be Conducted

  1. Fun with Open CV: 

The contest will use an image which has a few letters scattered each in a different colour. Participant has to read it on the computer and detect the letter of any colour said by the coordinator.

  1. Bot Wizard: 

The name of the bot and a list of components would be given to the participants. The participant has to pick up the right set of components required to build the bot and has to justify their selection.

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