MH CET Law 2020: 3-Year LLB Revised Dates Announced; Check Dates Here

The Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra has released the revised dates for MH CET Law 2020 for three year LLB course. The exam will be conducted on October 2 and 3 in multiple shifts.

MH CET Law 2020: Three year LLB Important Dates

The important dates for MH CET 2020 3-year LLB course is given in the table below:



MH CET Law 2020 three year LLB Exam Date

October 2 and October 3, 2020

Release of admit card

Anytime soon

Declaration of Result

Third week of October 2020

The dates for MH CET Law 2020 for five year LLB remain unchanged and the exam will be conducted on October 11, 2020.

MH CET 2020 Admit Card

The MH CET Law 2020 Admit card for both three year LLB and five year LLB will be released anytime on the official website in the online mode. The authorities are yet to announce the schedule for MH CET 2020 in various time slots. Candidates need to carry their hall tickets and an identity proof to get entry into the examination centre.

MH CET Law 2020: Exam Pattern

  • MH CET 2020 will be conducted in online mode
  • The duration of the test will of 2 hours
  • There will be in total of 150 questions in MCQ format. The list of subjects and number of questions in each subject is given in table below:


No. of Questions

Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning


General Knowledge with Current Affairs


Logical and Analytical Reasoning




Check MH CET 2020 Syllabus

  • The question paper will be in two languages- English and Marathi
  • One mark will be awarded for each correct answer and there is no negative marking in MH CET 2020.

Download MH CET 2020 Practice Papers
