New Delhi: With the Maharashtra HSC 2023 Examinations already taking place, the Maharashtra Board has decided to award all students who attempted the questions 6 marks as a result of the printing problem in the HSC English Test.
As the three missing questions were discovered after the HSC Exam was completed, MSBSHSE reportedly decided to award students who attempted these three missing questions with 6 marks.
During the HSC English Exam on February 21, 2023, 3 sub questions from the poetry section were missing. Questions A3, A4 and A5 were not printed in the paper Students also mentioned that although there was no question printed on A4 paper, the solution was available.
This year, an approximate of 14.5 lakh students had registered for the HSC English exam, and during the exam, the students were informed by the exam invigilators to note the number of questions on their answer papers.
The state board has decided to give 6 Mars to all students who have attempted those questions after taking the blunder into consideration. Students will receive a total of six marks since each question was worth two points.
However, the board's decision has received criticism. Many educators and parents believe that all children who showed up for the exam should receive these 6 marks, regardless of whether they attempted the questions or not. All the teachers have pledged that all students will receive these 6 marks in their first board exams after taking online and open book exams due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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