MAH B.Ed. M.Ed. CET 2020 Result Announced: Get Direct Link Here

State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra, has released the MAH B.Ed. M.Ed. CET result on the official website. Get details here.

Candidates who appeared for MAH B.Ed. M.Ed. CET can check the result in PDF format that contains the application number, roll number, candidate’s obtained marks.

How to Check MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 Result?

Candidates should follow the below-mentioned steps to check the MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 Result:

Step 1: Visit the official website at 

Step 2: On the homepage, search for the link MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 Result.

Step 3: Enter the login credentials, including Roll Number or registration number.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Submit’ button to provide the details.

Step 5: On submitting the details, the result will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Download and Print the Result for further references.

Get Direct Link to Check the Result Here

MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020: How is Result Calculated?

State CET Cell Maharashtra compiles the B.Ed. M.Ed. CET result on the basis of the marking scheme given below;

  • Candidates are awarded one (1) mark for each right answer.
  • For a wrong answer, there is no negative marking.
  • No mark is given for unanswered questions.

Read: MAH B.Ed CET Result 2020 (Out): Score Card, Merit List, Cut off, Counselling

MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 Result: Details Mentioned

Candidates should below-mentioned details are mentioned correctly on the B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 result;

  • Exam Name
  • Date of Exam
  • Name of the Candidate
  • Registration Number
  • Roll Number
  • Marks scored out of 100
  • Total Percentile

What After the MAH B.Ed M.Ed CET 2020 Result?

After the declaration of results, candidates need to register for counselling through the centralized admission process (CAP). Candidates should get documents verified at the facilitation center via CAP.

About Maharashtra B.Ed. M.Ed. CET 2020

State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra holds MAH B.Ed. M.Ed. CET 2020 for admission in three-year full-time integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed. degree course. Candidates need to have a postgraduate degree to be eligible to appear for the exam.

Read: Maharashtra B.Ed. M.Ed. CET 2020 Participating Colleges
