Karnataka PGCET 2020: Final Answer Key and Result Declared; Check @cetonline.karnataka.gov.in

Karnataka PGCET 2020: The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has declared the Karnataka PGCET 2020 result along with the final answer keys for MCA, M.Tech, and MBA exams. The final answer key and result declared is available online on the official website - @cetonline.karnataka.gov.in.

Candidates can check their Karnataka-PGCET 2020 results online by logging into their respective portals. The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has also released the final answer key and candidates can check their score with the help of the final answer key.

Read more - Karnataka PGCET 2020 Merit List, Tie-Breaker by KEA

Karnataka PGCET 2020: Important Dates

Dates scheduled by KEA related to Karnataka PGCET 2020 is tabulated below - 

Karnataka PGCET 2020 October 13 & 14, 2020
Result Declared December 06, 2020
Final Answer Key Released December 06, 2020

Read more - Karnataka PGCET Courses Offered

Karnataka PGCET 2020: How to check the result?

Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check the Karnataka PGCET result by following the steps mentioned below - 

STEP 1: Go to the official website - @cetonline.karnataka.gov.in.

STEP 2: Fill in your credentials and login to your respective portals.

STEP 3: Click on the ‘Submit’ tab.

STEP 4: The scorecard will appear on the screen.

STEP 5: Download and print out the Karnataka PGCET 2020 scorecard for future reference.

Direct Link: Karnataka PGCET Result 2020

Karnataka PGCET 2020: Details mentioned on the scorecard

Candidates can verify the below-mentioned details that will available on the Karnataka PGCET 2020 scorecard -

  • Candidate’s Application number and Name.
  • Version Code.
  • Score obtained.
  • Rank secured by the candidate at the state level.

Karnataka PGCET 2020: What after the result?

The candidates who have qualified for Karnataka PGCET 2020 examinations will have to apply for the counselling process by registering themselves online on the official website. The colleges will be allotted to the candidates based on the marks obtained and the preference made by the candidate.

Read more - Karnataka PGCET Participating Colleges
