JNUEE 2020 Seat Blocking: Last Date to Block Seats Extended till December 5; Get Details Here

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) extended the last date to block the postgraduate courses from 2 December to 5 December 2020.  Get Details Here

Candidates who have not yet blocked their seats are required to block the seat in order to secure admission to the course offered by JNU. Recently, the JNUEE 2020 Results were announced on December 01, 2020 and the subsequent cut-offs were also released. Students who meet the cut-offs and make a list are now required to block their seat in order to secure admission. 

JNUEE 2020 Seat Blocking: Courses Available

Candidates can access the seat blocking option for the following available courses:

Candidates must visit the official website of Jawaharlal Nehru University and must log in to block their seats. Subsequently, candidates will be required to upload their documents online and pay fees in order to complete the admission process and secure an online seat in the programme.

JNUEE 2020 Examinations were successfully conducted from 5 October to 8 October 2020 and the results were announced online on 1 December 2020. Response keys were released on October 22, 2020.

However, there have been many errors in the answer keys which have led to a delay in the declaration of results. The counselling session is currently underway and students are required to visit the official website to complete the admission formalities.
