JNU Vice-Chancellor Jagadesh Kumar Assigned as the UGC Chairman; Check Details Here

New Delhi: M Jagadesh Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, JNU has been assigned as the new chairman of UGC today, on February 4, 2022.

The Ministry of Education issued a letter stating the appointment of Prof. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, Vice-Chancellor Jawaharlal Nehru University, to the post of chairman of University Grants Commission in Level 17 of the pay matrix. 

The university congratulated its VC, Professor Kumar for being chosen as the new Chairman of the UGC for a period of five years. Prof Kumar will be replacing D. P. Singh, who was the UGC chairman for a duration of 3 years, from 2018 to 2022. 

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Prof Kumar's appointment comes at a time when the commission is all set to implement the new National Education Policy and reform the higher education sector. It should be noted that JNU has not yet appointed its new vice-chancellor. 

Being an alumnus of IIT Madras and serving as a professor at IIT Delhi, before taking up the role of vice-chancellor at JNU, Professor Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar has a significant education portfolio. However, Prof Kumar has always grabbed attention for being involved in the students and teachers' controversies in JNU. 

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After serving for three years and reaching the age of 65, DP Singh resigned from the post of chairman of UGC and the post was vacant on December 7. However, K Sanjay Murthy, Education secretary temporarily held the position after Singh left the office.

Even the post of vice-chairman of the higher education regulator is vacant. 

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Entrusted with the task of determination, coordination and maintenance of standards in University education, the University Grants Commission, UGC is a statutory body with the Ministry of Education, Government of India. 

Earlier in 2018, the Ministry of Education had announced its decision to repeal the UGC Act, 1956, and a bill regarding that was likely to be introduced in the 2021 monsoon session of the Parliament, which if passed would have led to the dissolution of the UGC. 

The bill intends to replace UGC with the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI).

Recently, the University Grants Commission has released the national higher education qualification framework and draft guidelines on the credit system, entrepreneurship, and skill-based learning to make possible the implementation of the National Education Policy, NEP 2020. 

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