JAC 2023: Admit Card for Class 10 Exams Released; Check Direct Link Here

JAC 2023: Admit Card for Class 10 Exams Released; Check Direct Link Here

New Delhi: Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has released the Jharkhand Board Class 10 Exams 2023 Admit Card. The admit card has been made available to the schools on the official website. 

Students who will be sitting for the Jharkhand Board Class 10 Exam 2023 must collect their admit cards from their respective schools. It is to be noted that the admit cards have not been made available directly to the students for download. The schools have been directed to login through their ID and Password to download the admit cards and distribute them among the students. 

Students must note that the admit cards must be signed by the headmaster or principal of the school before being distributed. If the admit card is not signed by the headmaster then it will not be considered valid. 

Students must also check the other details and information present on their admit card. Incase of any discrepancies, students must immediately reach the respective school offices. 

JAC Class 10 Admit Card 2023: Details Mentioned

Below is the list of details mentioned in the JAC 10th admit card 2023:

  • Name of the student
  • Photograph of the student
  • Class of the student
  • Roll number of the student
  • Exam center
  • Date and time of the examination
  • School number
  • Center number
  • Important instructions

JAC Class 10 Exam Day Instructions

Students should read the exam day instructions listed in the JAC 10th admit card. The instructions are as follows:

  • Students must check JAC 10th time table 2023 thoroughly and mark the exam dates.
  • Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without an admit card.
  • Students should make sure to reach the examination center at least 30 minutes before the exam starts
  • Electronic devices or study materials are not allowed inside the examination hall.

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