Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), New Delhi has released the CET exam result on its official website i.e.
The result for IPU CET 2020 is released in the pdf format. IPU CET Resultconsists of details such as roll number, name, category and rank obtained. Candidates are shortlisted for admission in the courses on the basis of their merit in the entrance exam and rank obtained.
IPU CET Result 2020
On the basis of this IPU CET Merit list 2020, a candidate is further called for IPU CET 2020 counselling round. Candidates can check the dates for IPU CET Result 2020 from below:
Check Merit List:
Click here to download the IPU CET 2020 Merit List for GATE Qualified Candidates of M.Tech (VLSI-ECE) CET Code-140
Click here to download the IPU CET 2020 Merit List for GATE Qualified Candidates of M.Tech (CSE-IT) CET Code-139
Click here to download the IPU CET 2020 Merit List for M.Tech-CSE Weekend (CET Code:182).
Click here to download the IPU CET 2020 Merit List for M.Tech-ECE Weekend Programme (CET Code-183).
Click here to download the IPU CET 2020 Revised Rank List on the Basis of CAT 2019 for MBA Programme (Round 02).
Click here to download IPU CET 2020 Final Merit List for MBA (Disaster Management) and PGD (F&LSA).
Click here to download IPU CET Final Merit list for MBA (Weekend) Test Code – 155.
Click here to download the rank list for MBA Admission Round 1.
How to Check the Result of IPU CET 2020?
Candidates who will appear in the entrance examination can check their result on the official website of IPU at The result will be available in the online mode. For each course, the result has been released separately but candidates can check it from the same window as the website. Certain steps are to be followed to check the result which is mentioned below:
Step 1- Visit the official website of GGSIPU or the click on the link provided above.
Step 2- Search for the link of “IPU CET Result 2020” on the homepage of the official website of the University.
Step 3- Result is given in pdf form.
Step 4- View the result, download it and take a printout and retain it till the admissions.
The result shall contain the name of the candidate along with the category wise rank, cut off marks (minimum qualifying marks required to pass), merit list for the counselling process.
IPU CET 2020 Counselling
The counselling process will begin following the declaration of results and the preparation of the merit list. The shortlisted candidates will be called for different rounds of counselling. Counselling will be conducted both online and offline. The counselling fee of Rs 1000, which will be non-refundable, must be paid in order to proceed to the counselling round. This is to be done on the official website. Candidates may pay the fee either through credit/debit card / net banking or through a voucher deposited in Indian Bank (all branches).
In the counselling round, all documents of the qualified candidates will be verified by the university. Candidates must have their registration form, admit card, reserved category certificate, identification certificate, character certificate, qualifying examination certificate while appearing in the counselling round. Candidates will be able to apply for a counselling round by entering the CET roll number, date of birth and mobile number on the official web site.