IIM Visakhapatnam Business Conclave Organises Discussion on Evolving Business, Technology Dynamics

Evolving Business Technology Dynamics

New Delhi: The annual "Vriddhi" business festival was held over two days by the Indian Institute of Management-Visakhapatnam. The event was opened on January 21, 2023 by Professor M Chandrashekhar. 

The director of IIM-V,  Professor Chandrasekhar stated that around 25% of start-ups are based on fin-tech during his speech on this occasion. "Given this background, IIMV is focusing on developing an entrepreneurial attitude in the young minds through our TIDE Center” said Chandrasekhar. Professor Shivshanker Patel spoke to the panellists and visitors from a variety of backgrounds.

Karthik Yathindra, CMO of Jockey India, gave a keynote address. He believed that it is inherently human nature to strive for improvement and evolution. "And that means it also applies to companies, goods, and services. Humans move quickly between stages of development where creativity is found.”

According to Karthik Yathindra, there are four main forces that force businesses to reinvent themselves: the customer's demand for better, faster, easier, and cheaper products; the macroenvironment's requirement that businesses reinvent themselves in order to survive; technology's emergence as the new norm; and competition from newcomers who enter an industry, disrupt it, and dethrone market leaders.

The topic of the first panel discussion was "borderless brand experience: the hybrid future of brands." The topic of conversation was omnichannel branding. The panellists talked about how the epidemic impacted consumer purchasing patterns and how e-commerce saved the day.

The discussion, which was mediated by Professor Preeti Virdi, was opened by Professor Priyavrat Sanyal. The other panellists were Hari Prakash Karcherla, a strategic leader who previously served as vice president and general manager of CEAT Valvoline at Tata Motors, Manish Gupta, the head of channel management at Godrej and Boyce, Javed Khan, the head of engineering at Arzooo, and VP Radhika Subramanian of Godrej and Boyce.

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