IIM Jammu Launches 2nd Academic Module of MGNF Program

New Delhi: IIM Jammu officially launched the second academic module of the MGNF programme on March 7. Sankalp's MGNF module is funded by the Government of India's Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). 

The programme was launched by Professor BS Sahay, Director, IIM Jammu, in the presence of Professor Jabir Ali, Program Director, and Dr Muqbil Burhan, Co-Program Director, MGNF.

According to the institute, the associates went to their respective districts in J&K, West Bengal, Ladakh, Chandigarh, and Puducherry for district immersion, where they worked closely with district administration to improve their abilities and promote economic growth.

As per the official press release, the event was attended by faculty members, the MGNF team, and students. The programme will last twelve days and will include both learning and application. Dr Muqbil Burhan, MGNF Co-Program Director, welcomed the fellows to the second module. Professor Jabir Ali, MGNF Program Director, informed the audience on Academic Module-I and District Module-I, as well as the efforts of fellows despite the challenges they faced. 

IIM Jammu hosted Module-I of the programme from October 25 to November 6, 2021. 

IIM Jammu Admission 2022

Professor BS Sahay, Director of IIM Jammu, congratulated the associates on their successful completion of District Immersion-I. The director praised the associates' efforts and contributions to improving skill development at the district level despite several hurdles such as harsh weather, challenging terrains, administrative issues, and difficulties during the continuing epidemic. 

He also praised the female and differently-abled fellows for their contributions to the program's inclusiveness and success.

The MGN Fellowship is a two-year programme that combines classroom sessions at IIM with extensive field immersion at the district level in order to develop district skill administration and District Skill Committees (DSCs).

The programme was created at the initiative of the Government of India's Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and is being implemented in partnership with State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs). 

The goal of this academic module is to provide a learning environment in order to contribute to the building of district institutions and enhance their functioning. 

IIM faculty would teach course content for each course module in accordance with the 40 contact days, as well as off-campus mentorship, field experience, and workshops that should be an intrinsic component of the learning.

Dr. Muqbil Burhan, Co-Program Director, MGNF, expressed gratitude to the faculty, departments, the Government of West Bengal, the UTs of J&K, Ladakh, Chandigarh, and Puducherry.

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