IIFT MBA 2023 Advance City Intimation Slip Released; Check Exam Day Guidelines Here

New Delhi: The National Testing Agency has released the advance city intimation slip for the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade MBA (IIFT MBA) 2023-25 advance exam on its official portal @iift.nta.nic.in.

Candidates who registered for the IIFT MBA 2023 exam will be able to download the IIFT MBA 2023 city intimation slip from the official website, iift.nta.nic.in.

The NTA has scheduled to conduct the IIFT MBA 2023 entrance exam on December 18. The IIFT admit card 2023 will be released shortly on the official website, iift.nta.nic.in before the commencement of the exam.

Every year, the IIFT entrance examination is conducted for admission to the institute's flagship programme, MBA (International Business). 

The entrance exam will be conducted at numerous exam centres in a Computer-based test (CBT) mode for 2 hours duration (10.00 am to 12.00 pm). According to the latest reports, the IIFT MBA 2023 exam admit card is likely to be out in the next 2 to 3 days. 

According to the official IFT website, the IIFT MBA (IB) is a six-trimester general management programme with a prime focus on International Business for developing a competent cadre of business executives to meet the country’s growing requirements for trained personnel in the field of International Business Management. 

A total of 60,000 candidates appear for the IIFT MBA exam every year for admission at campuses at IIFT Delhi and IIFT Kolkata.

IIFT Admit Card 2023 & City Intimation Slip: How to Download? 

Candidates can go through the following steps to download the IIFT city slip. The IIFT admit card 2023 will also be released shortly on the official website.

Step 1: Visit the NTA IIFT official website, nta.iift.nic.in

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the ‘IIFT advance city intimation’ link

Step 3: Log in with your application number, date of birth, and security pin to download the IIFT MBA 2023 exam slip.

Step 4: IIFT MBA exam city intimation slip will be displayed on the screen

Step 5: Download IIFT city slip 2023 for future reference.

IIFT MBA Exam 2023: Exam Day Guidelines

  1.  Candidates must carry their IIFT 2023 Admit Card with them on the day of the exam. In case admit card is not received by post, you can download the hall ticket from the IIFT website and print it on a white A4 size sheet.
  2. Candidates must carry an original ID/Photo proof for the examiners in order to authenticate. The valid proofs can be:
    1. Aadhar Card
    2. College ID Card
    3. Driving Licence
    4. PAN Card
    5. Passport
    6. Voter ID Card
  3. Candidates are allowed to keep the following items:
    1. HB Pencils
    2. Pen
    3. Eraser
    4. Sharpener
    5. Watch
  4. Candidates CANNOT carry the following items:
    1. Calculator
    2. Mobile Phone
    3. Pager
    4. Tablet
    5. Study Material
    6. Bag
  5. Read the instructions on the question booklet and answer sheet before you start writing the paper.
  6. Carefully write down your IIFT roll number on the question paper and answer sheet (OMR).
  7. Carefully write the Set Name – A, B, C or D – on your answer sheet.
  8. Use only an HB pencil to mark your answers (by darkening the appropriate cell) in the OMR sheet.
  9. Carefully erase and remark in case you wish to change your answer.
  10. In case you darken more than one cell, your answer for that question will considered as wrong and there is negative marking for incorrect answers.
  11. You can do rough work only in the questions paper using pen or pencil.

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