IGNOU Campus Placement Drive Concluded for Air India SATS and APTARA on Feb 15; Check Details Here

IGNOU Placement

New Delhi: As per the latest updates, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has successfully concluded its campus placement drive for Air India SATS and APTARA on February 15, 2023. The drive was held at IGNOU headquarters in Delhi for graduating students.

According to IGNOU, a total of 276 students who participated in the campus placement were shortlisted via a screening process. Out of the total registered students, 48 were offered job opportunities across various domains by AIR India SATS Pvt. Ltd. 

As of now, the number of students placed in APTARA has not been made public by the recruiter. Officials informed that recruiters who joined the campus placement drive addressed all doubts and queries of students related to the job position and employment process. 

IGNOU Placement Report 2023: Job Positions & Salary Offered

Check the key highlights, salary package offered, job positions available and other related details for IGNOU Placement 2023 Drive mentioned in the table below: 

During the placement session, students were offered the position of Copy Editor, Technical Writer and Customer Service Executive based on their work experience and screening process. The average salary package stood between INR 20,000 to INR 30,000/- per month. 

Speaking on this occasion, the Director of IGNOU Placement Cell, VP Rupam shared that the university has taken an initiative to join hands with UNICEF to organise various career awareness sessions for its students. He urged students to actively participate in sessions. 

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