Sxill, Chandigarh, HOD : Mr. Parminder Singh Interview

Mr Parminder Singh is the HOD of Sxill, Chandigarh. He is a Design and Animation Professional with over 18 years of Industry Experience. He has been simultaneously active both in production and education/training since the onset of his career. During his career, he has mentored and trained thousands of students to build successful careers in creative fields. For education management also he has been rewarded at National level. His most enjoyable venture has been the attempt to bring feature quality 3D character animation training to North India on the lines of International Schools very early on before 2010. His experiments with the training of high end 3D character animation were highly acknowledged, and students directly picked by the top employers of India including Xentrix, Technicolor, MEL, DQ entertainment, Prime Focus, Pranas. He underwent a deep research and study of universally acknowledged methods and exercises of Kimon Nicolaides for Art Study. To apply these methods to Animation Education, he studied Walt Stanchfield, the legendary Animation Educator at Disney Studios and Shamus Culhane, who cracked the code to deal with creative blocks and enter creative flights while animating. As a base of course, he studied Betty Edwards and all his theories and methods about right brain and creative modes. When he combined the above studies to the current methods and exercises being employed by Hollywood animation schools (online/offline) which he experienced himself by doing 1500 hrs hands on exercises, the results were near magic. 

Sxill, Chandigarh

What is the latest program that you are offering in Sxill which will help students outperform and stand apart from the crowd?

“Advanced training in areas like 3D Character Animation, 3D Game Art, 2D Digital Cutout Animation are provided to pupils”

In the animation and design Industry, almost all education bodies are focussed on the spectrum training where many skill areas are introduced to the student. This makes the student uncompetitive to claim a premium position in a particular area even after spending a lot of time and money. We offer Advanced Training in typical high demand areas like 3D Character Animation, 3D Game Art, 2D Digital Cutout Animation. These unique and rare programmes are making the pass out candidates the top preference with the top employers like Technicolor, Lakshya Digital, Xentrix, DNEG, Rockstar and many others.

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt?

“Involvement of Industry stalwarts, revolutionary program structures, and advanced training are best for students from our campus”

First factor is the Revolutionary programme structure of SXILL. This makes it possible for a student to find his/her matching skill area within a short period of time. It is a chance dependent and long process which till date has been wasting many years or amounts of the students in the animation and design industry. Second factor on campus is the Involvement of Industry stalwarts and employers into the routine conduction and evaluation of student assignments. This arrangement has been a dream industry- academia union around the world, but not realized to this extent ever. Real employers are involved in the classroom so they can get the candidates custom prepared for them. Art Director at Technicolor Games, Vichar BN, Animation Head at Micros, Avanish Phatak, Associate Art Director at Lakshya Digital, Pradeep are some of the industry stars to mention. Third major factor delivered at campus is the Advanced training in prominent skill Areas as mentioned earlier.

What would you say are the best practices in the course you’re offering on campus?

“Adaptive programs, best quality education, flexibility and more offers through our courses”

SXILL being innovation centric has homes many disruptive practices that qualify to be the best Practices. To select one, I would mention the guided flexibility of the curriculum. A student is guided by real Industry experts and employers during the programme regarding his/her strengths. Instead of blind hitting one skill area, the candidate turns the path towards the matching area and specializes in the area that most matches his/her aptitude as guided by real world employers. This adaptive and flexible approach in the programme is most revolutionary and is much ahead of time.

What are some valuable insights of the program that you are offering at campus?

The programme at SXILL has a series of features, which makes one of the best user experiences for the students as well as employers. Students once enrolled are not forced on a singular path. Within a very short period a student finds his best match based on a practical approach of getting direct feedback from real employers. This otherwise takes many years and efforts to contact employers in the open market. Once a student finds his/her match, he is provided high end training in it, which is totally absent in the Indian education landscape for creative careers. This makes them a rare available candidate in the market and thus the first choice of top employers.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

“ Sessions by industry experts, and prepare candidates as per current demands.”

The basic practice at SXILL is to let the Industry experts who are directly facing the market and anticipating future demands. It guides the curriculum and content. We goes one step ahead by allowing the Industry itself to custom prepare the candidates as per the current and anticipated demands. This is the closest possible contact for the students with the anticipated future needs.

How did you train yourself/faculty to deliver this program to the students?

“Organize advanced training, research and other programs for faculties”

As mentioned earlier, we deliver advanced training in prominent skill areas such as Graphic Design, 2D Character Animation, 3D Character Animation, 3D Game Art, UIUX. One of the major reasons why this kind of training is almost absent in the Indian Education landscape is its very difficult to find trainers of that level or to prepare trainers to deliver this kind of training. We has a long history of research and deep study for the advanced training in these skill areas. It became a launchpad to shoot this in India. Our team has done years of practice, research and also studied International schools delivering this kind of training. Industry professionals with at least 10 years of experience in a particular skill area have been included to participate in this kind of high end training.

How do you tend to build an industry connected with this program?

“Evaluate students' works by industrial professions and give training programmes on campus”

Industry connect is part and parcel of the programmes at SXILL. The revolutionary programme structure makes it compulsory to engage the Industry Professionals of each area to evaluate students’ works. It directs them after completion of each term. Level 2 and Level 3 training within the programme is directly dictated by the Industry and real employers. Top notch studios and companies of the Industry have got so interconnected with the training and programmes at campus. They almost feel it to be an extension of their own company.

Check Sxill Courses & Fees

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating this program in your curriculum?

“Engage experts in industry and explain revolutionary ideas to parents or teachers”

First challenge was to explain the revolutionary idea to the students and parents. The parents are already sold to the existing linear mode of training where students don't have flexibility. But once they understand the magic of the flexibility provided within a programme, they find it the most efficient, cost saving and futuristic way of delivering training. Second challenge was to engage top employers and experts of the Industry to hold the hands of students at the very outset of the programme. The concept was too new to them, but once understood they found it to be a one stop solution to all HR issues the industry has been facing.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

“Graphic Designing, 2D Character Animation, 3D Character Animation, 3D Game Art, UIUX and more projects are working by pupils”

The programme at campus as mentioned earlier progresses students to higher level training in the matching skill area. We call it Level 2 and Level 3 training. Here students hone their skills totally based on custom created projects or live projects. Projects for each prominent skill area including Graphic Designing, 2D Character Animation, 3D Character Animation, 3D Game Art, UIUX are floated in the Institute by the Industry experts and Employers.

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

“Job opportunities in top companies such as Technicolor, Micros, Rockstar, DNEG, Xentrix, Lakshya Digital and more are provided to pupils”

Our programme has the unique power of matching the aptitude of a student with the relevant skill area and facility. It provides high end training in that skill area via Industry experts, and puts a student in a very strong position within a short period of time. Why students passing out of this programme have become top preference with premium employers like Technicolor, Micros, Rockstar, DNEG, Xentrix, Lakshya Digital is not a matter of chance. There has been a method and strategy to it, adopted logically in the Programme.


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