GSEB SSC Hall Ticket 2023 Released; Check How to Download Here

GSEB SSC Hall Ticket 2023 Released

New Delhi: The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has released the hall ticket for GSEB SSC 2023 examination in online mode. The heads of the schools can download the Gujarat Class 10 admit card through the official portal
Students appearing for the GSEB SSC Exam 2023 will have to collect their hall tickets from their respective schools.

According to the GSEB schedule, the Class 10 or SSC examination will be conducted on March 14 with a Language Paper and conclude on March 28, 2023, for the Second Language paper.

The examination will be held in one duration from 10 am and will conclude at 1.15 pm. The exams will be conducted on the following dates March 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25, 27 and 28, 2023.

Candidates must ensure to carry a hard copy of the GSEB SSC 2023 admit card along with school ID on the day of the examination as those documents will be required for verification purposes. Students will not be allowed to enter the exam hall without an admit card.

GSEB SSC Hall Ticket 2023: How to Download? 

All the respective schools can use the following step by step guide to downalod the admit card for the students;

Step 1: Go to the official site of GSEB at

Step 2: On the homepage, Click on GSEB SSC Hall Ticket 2023 link available.

Step 3: It will redirect you to a new page, where you will need to enter mobile number or email id.

Step 4: Next, click on submit and the GSEB SSC 2023 admit card will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Check the admit card and download a hard copy of the same for your further reference.

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